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雅思口语题目解析第43期:Waited for something

2018.08.31 11:34

  新东方在线雅思网给大家带来的是雅思口语题目解析第43期:Waited for something。希望以下内容能够为同学们的雅思备考提供帮助。新东方在线雅思网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的雅思报名官网消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。


  Describe a situation you waited for something.

  You should say:Where this place wasWhen this happenedWho you were withand explain why you had to wait for it.

  题目的变化与思路Describe a situation you waited for someoneDescribe a time you waited in a traffic jam 有时候这种题目重点放在感受,你等待的过程是一种怎样的体验。当然这也是这种题目的难点。因为如果你之说一个’烦’字,就很难撑到两分钟。所以感受可以一分阶段的方式展开,比如说可以说开始感受是很ok,觉得没什么;然后在等待10分钟以后可能就开始比较烦躁了(start to feel cranky and annoyed),这时候你可以打电话或者催促一下你等的等等;再过一段时间,感情可能就要变成着急了又生气(really mad),因为无限的等待让你觉得会耽误接下来的行程,或者是让你不知道该怎么做了(don’t know what I’m supposed to do next)。 选题材:很多等待的经历,但是有时候是很短暂很普通的等待,比如等公车,排队买电影票。这种题材就算是英语大神也很难延伸,因为实在是没有什么可说的。 所以题目中其实暗含着一个字,就是‘impressive and special’, 有什么等待的经历让你觉得比较特别呢?你可以是等待假期的到来,好去旅行;或者等待你最喜欢的电影上映,这些话题中其实都有可以延伸的点,旅行你可以说途中看到的感受到的;电影你可以说为何如此喜欢那部戏。那在这里选题我是选择了旅行,并受了一句歌词的启发,叫做‘是等太阳升起,还是意外先来临’,于是加入了途中等日出这个环节。这样可以把一些熟悉的话题和这个题目有效的结合在一起。 Actually, we all have some experience of waiting for a moment or someone and now I’d like to talk about a situation that I waited for the sunrise. I remembered it was on the top of the Tai Mountain which is one of the most popular tourist sites in Shandong Province. So my friend Kim and two other classmates decided to visit it with me. It was in last summer holiday but surprisingly, when we reached the top of the mountain, it felt freezing cold. That experience really impressed me because we went hiking during the night, starting at about 1:30 am and the trip to the top of the mountain cost us about three and a half hours. And all these efforts were for the sunrise. As to why we waited for that moment. Well, most importantly, the sunrise at the Tai Mountain was famous for its spectacular scenery so we really would like to watch it in person. Also, it was said not everyone could see the sunrise because the weather could be pretty unpredictable and if the day was too cloudy and foggy, the views and sunshine might be blocked. Only the lucky persons could see it. So I guess we kind of wanted to try our luck as well. And at the beginning of the waiting, we were a bit nervous and worried because all the hard works and long trip might be a waste of time and obviously, we didn’t want to be the unlucky persons. But after one hour and 40 mins waiting and got totally freeze, we finally saw the marvelous sunrise and the view was amazing. The sun was surrounded by the cloud and the sunshine just came through fog, making everything look very warm and dreaming. It was a moment that totally worth waiting!




