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雅思口语题目解析第30期:Forgot something important

2018.08.29 15:19

  新东方在线雅思网给大家带来的是雅思口语题目解析第30期:Forgot something important。希望以下内容能够为同学们的雅思备考提供帮助。新东方在线雅思网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的雅思报名官网消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。


  Describea time that you forgot something important.You should say:When this happened;What you forgot to do;Who you were with;and what consequences you faced.

  题目解析:考官要听你说忘记的一件重要的事情。什么样的事情是重要的,那要看你怎么去说了,比如forgot my keys , forgot to water my plants, 或者更重要的事情, 比如:forgot the flight, forgot father’s day, forgot my mother’s birthday


  思路解析:what: 先开门见山告诉考官你忘记的事情是什么?How: 整件事情的起因-经过-结果是什么。本来你还记得,因为什么事情不小心忘记了,之后又是怎么想起来的,做了什么去补偿的?what: 最后可以讲这件事给你留下的印象很深刻,此后再也没有忘记过之类的。

  参考词汇:somehow 不知怎么地revision 复习hearty meal 丰盛的一餐piss off 生气carelessness 粗心I forgot my mother’s birthday last year. That was the most unthinkable thing for me because I had never forgotten her birthday before. It was actually the time really close to my final exam and I was preparing for it. I thought I wouldn’t forget her birthday and I planed to make her a cake and prepare a hearty meal for her. But I forgot it somehow just on the birthday. I was really busy with my revisions and stuff. When I got home after school my dad reminded me of her birthday. The very first thing I did was that I wrote a sorry card to her. I made a list of all the reason I was glad I got her as a mother and put it in the card. Mom wasn’t really upset.

  I actually know there are plenty of things I am allowed to forget. I can forget to feed my dog. I can forget my keys. I can forget the location of my favorite restaurant. But one thing I shall never forget is her birthday. For my mother, her family is everything and she rarely gets angry or shouts at us when she pisses off. I was terribly sorry for my carelessness. And I’ve certainly never forgotten my parents’ birthday since then.




