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2018雅思口语Part 2范文模板:环保法律

2018.03.26 17:50

  新东方在线雅思网给大家带来的是2018雅思口语Part 2范文模板:环保法律。希望以下内容能够为同学们的雅思备考提供帮助。新东方在线雅思网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的雅思报名官网消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。

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  Well, you know, the city of Beijing has become infamous for its heavy smog, which is thought to lead to widespread illness and discomfort. And the main pollution sources are thought to be the surrounding chemical and steel plants in the neighbouring provinces. Therefore, I hope that there would be some environmental law introduced by government to close or move these factories to other remote areas.

  Beijing had been badly polluted by the toxic industrial exhaust and chemicals, making the whole city unliveable. So I feel that the strict pollution control policy can force the coal-fired power plants and factories to close in the future, and petrol quality has been improved as well. Therefore, though pollution might still persist for a long time in Beijing, we could enjoy more fresh air in the city.

  If the air-quality degradation is under control, I believe that we will have more blue sky and white cloud. And I would have more opportunities to do outdoor activities with my child to enjoy the warm sunshine and clean air. Besides, there will be much less patients suffering from respiratory related diseases in the hospitals.




