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2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2范文:休闲娱乐场所

2018.02.02 16:33

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  As a big fan of sports, if possible, I would like to have a sports center as the leisure facility in my hometown.

  Right now, there are not many places for people to do sports. Most basketball courts and football playgrounds are limited to students at school. There are some private places for people to play badminton or ping pong, but they have to pay by hour. So a new sports center would be great to the city. A center with open basketball courts, running trails, football fields and spaces for other sports will be very popular among citizens.

  Considering the crowded layout at the city center, I think the sports center should be situated at the southern part, where the population is relatively smaller. It is a little far from the populous area, but I think a new sports center will attract more people to move to the southern region. The traffic is not a concern, since we can ride a bike, take the bus, or use the subway to arrive there.

  The center will cater for various needs of different age groups. Some open areas can be used for old people to do square dancing in the evening; the running trails ensure visitors to enjoy a good time jogging in the morning; and young people can do the sports they fancy such as basketball, football, volleyball, and so forth.

  The primary reason why I like a sports center is that it will provide conveniences for the citizens. As I’ve mentioned, at the moment, people have no easy access to physical exercise. With a sports center, people can do regular exercise, and enjoy a better life. Furthermore, it can be used to host events such as tournaments, concerts and festivals. In this way, the sports center will boost the fame and economy of the city.


  地道用词:As a big fan

  be limited to

  far from

  running trails

  so forth


  A center with open basketball courts, running trails, football fields and spaces for other sports will be very popular among citizens.

  Some open areas can be used for old people to do square dancing in the evening; the running trails ensure visitors to enjoy a good time jogging in the morning; and young people can do the sports they fancy such as basketball, football, volleyball, and so forth.

  Furthermore, it can be used to host events such as tournaments, concerts and festivals. In this way, the sports center will boost the fame and economy of the city.




