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2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2范文:一条校规

2018.02.02 15:30

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>>>点击查看2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题范文汇总

  Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

  You should say:

  What is the rule

  Why this rule has to be established

  What will happen if we break down this rule?

  What are the positive and negative effects of this rule




  I’m going to talk about a rule at my primary school. The school I went to wasn’t a pretty relaxed place and in fact there weren’t that many rules and regulations. We were for instance encouraged to speak in class as much as possible because our teachers wanted us to learn how to express ourselves. It was that sort of place – really liberal.

  The one rule that I really remember though was that we couldn’t use our mobile phones in class. The school was really strict about this and you could get into a lot of trouble if you became a repeat offender. Normally it wasn’t much of a problem. If a teacher saw a student with a mobile, he’d just tell him to turn it off and pay attention to what he was saying. Then again, there were some teachers who would confiscate any mobile phones they saw at all – even if they were not being used and were just lying on the desk.

  I suppose the reason for the rule was to make sure that all the students were paying attention to the teacher or just doing what they were supposed to be doing and not texting their friends or browsing the net. I think the idea was that the school was happy to have kids talking to each other but weren’t nearly so happy if they were writing texts – perhaps because the teacher wouldn’t know what was being said.

  Did I like the rule? Not really. I thought that it would have been much better of we’d been allowed to use out phones more. There’re so many great learning apps on phones that it seemed a little silly that we had to learn just on paper.



  get into a lot of trouble

  lie on the desk

  browse the net

  use out phones

  高分句型:Normally it wasn’t much of a problem.

  Then again, there were some teachers who would confiscate any mobile phones they saw at all – even if they were not being used and were just lying on the desk.

  I suppose the reason for the rule was to make sure that all the students were paying attention to the teacher or just doing what they were supposed to be doing and not texting their friends or browsing the net.




