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2017年9-12月雅思口语P2范文:a product that made you happy

2017.10.24 11:18

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  You should say:

  What it is,

  When you bought it,

  Why you bought it,

  And explain why it made you happy


  So I recently bought a new blender or liquidizer, or some people call them juicers, because my old one broke some time ago, and at the time I didn’t bother to replace it - but after a while I began to really miss making smoothies and juices, so last month I eventually bought a new one to replace the one that broke. I bought it online from a website that specialized in kitchen equipment and supplies - and they delivered it to my home - I think it was like 4 days later, maybe. I bought it online because the price was considerably cheaper than the ones I had seen in the local stores when I went to look, but it was the same brand and had all the same features so I thought it was a bargain. I had to pay a little extra to get it shipped but even so it was still cheaper than buying it from the store – so I was really happy about that. The day I got it I unpacked it and cleaned it before using it for the first time – and I made one of my favorite smoothies, which is a blend of bananas, apples and peanut butter. Maybe it doesn’t sound so great - but when you blend it all together using frozen bananas instead of ice, and add some almond milk and some cinnamon – it’s really delicious – I’d almost forgotten just how good they were. I hadn’t had one for a couple of months, so I made a big batch of it and what was left I stored in the refrigerator for later. The particular model of blender I bought has some nice features like a really big jug, or bowl, and a powerful motor so it can slice and dice up even solid vegetables and juice them easily. One of the reasons I bought it was because it was recommended on various consumer websites as being ‘the best buy’ at the moment - it also came with a 12 month warranty, which I thought was good, too. So I was really pleased with it.


  • How often do people in your country go shopping?

  • What kinds of places are popular for shopping in China?

  • Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?

  • Did you ever have a bad shopping experience?




