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2017年9-12月雅思口语P2范文:an interesting neighbour of yours

2017.10.24 11:02

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  You should say:

  Who the person is

  How did you know this person

  And explain why you think this neighbour is interesting


  I live in a crowded high-rise building, and have neighbours next door, below and above.I guess, about a hundred people in total. So it's not surprising that most of them are nameless and faceless to me. The only person who stands out is my next-door neighbour.

  This is an elderly man whose name is John. He's been living next door ever since I can remember. SO I can say I've known him since my childhood though for many years I just greeted hin politely and smiled. I was too young to appreciate an opportunity to communicate with such a truly remarkable person.

  Just imagin, now he is in his late 70s, but he seems to be more energetic than me and most of my peers. He is literally a person of indomitable energy. John is retired. And if I wer him, I would sleep late, but he wakes up at 5 or 6 a.m. and always starts his day form moring exercises. He goes jogging, I think, every day regardless of the weather and the season. I know about that as when I go to work we often have samll talk while waiting for an ele vator because it usually doesn't come for ages.

  Another thing that draws people to him is that he will never say 'no'if you ask him to water your flowers when you're away, keep an eye on your flat or feed your pets. I used to think he does it not to feel lonely, but some time ago I understood that this is just because he is a really caring and considerate person.

  What's more, whatever happens, he looks on the bright side of life. Whenever I meet him, he is in a good moond with a big smile on his face. He never complains about his life although my parents told me that he'd got ghrough a lot fo challenge. I wish there were more people like him.


  • Do you think people know well about their neighbours?

  • What are the causes? And how to solve it?

  • How is the relationship of neighbors?

  • What will neighbors do to each other in the current society?




