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9-12月雅思口语P2范文:a couple you know who have a happy marriage

2017.10.24 10:57

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  You should say

  Who are they

  How you knew them

  How long have they been married

  And explain how you feel about their marriage


  I'm sure that my parents are the two people who have what I can classify as a really happy marriage. Just imagine, next year they will have been married for a whopping 25 years, and it seems to me they are more in love now than they were many years ago. It is easy to have a fun and romantic courtship period, but it's not that easy to keep this romance alive for decades. Somehow they manage to.

  I think my parents live a happy married life. At least, whenever I see them, they look genuinely happy and I don't think that it is possible to pretend so naturally. First of all, they spend a lot walking. By the way, they still hold hands when ehey walk. Isn't it sweet? If they didn't love each other, why would they?

  Also, they comminicate a lot. Every evening they talk about their day at work, their concerns, and pretty much anything else they want to get off their chests.

  what i find really cool is that they never forget to say"I love you" to each other. Some people may think they say so out of habit, but if only they could see the way they look at one another when they say these words, they would understand that they really mean what they say. Also, they almost never leave home without kissing each otehr goodbye even if they're in a rush. Sometimes they look like teenagers who have just started dating.

  Needless to say, they support and take care of each other no matter what. What's important is that they always speaking respectfully about each other even when the other spouse isn't there to hear it. For example, I've never heard my mom complaining about my father to her friends.

  That doesn't mean they never have any arguments. Of course they do. They sometimes have tough times like all of us. But they know how to find a compromise, listen to each other and take one another's feelings and wishes into consideration. To my mind, these are the things that help them live a happy married life.


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