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2017年9-12月雅思口语P2范文:a company that employs a lot of people

2017.10.18 14:07

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  I'm going to talk about IKEA, which is a furniture manufacturer that is famous all around the world. It's all the rage in China.

  I know this company because three years ago, I bought a bookshelf there. I really loved it and I'm still using it today. It's an international company, so i can only give my estimation of its workfoce at 100 thousand.

  I guess IKEA furniture and household appliances are extremely popular mainly because most IKEA products are dirt cheap compared to other furniture manufacturers. Plus, they're of great quality too. But how can they be cheap and good at the same time?

  I think the fundamental reason is that you can assemble all the parts of a piece of furniture all by yourself, which means you don't need to pay someone to do it for you. This allows you to save a big amount of money I think.

  Last weekend, for example, I bought a board at IKEA, I mean, a board to write on. It only cost me 99 Yuan whereas if I buy a similar one elsewhere, it would cost something around 200 Yuan, which is a lot more expensive ...


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