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2017年9-12月雅思口语P2范文:a favorite sport which you watched

2017.10.18 12:38

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  I’m not actually very interested in sport, but there was an occasion a few years ago when I went to see a football match in a town about half an hour from where I live. It was a charity match – I think they were collecting funds for the local school – and it was very well attended. I think there must have been over 5,000 people there, which isn’t bad considering there aren’t any ‘star’ players.

  I only went because a friend of mine really wanted to go but didn’t want to watch it on his own, so in the end there were a small group of us. One of the other people we went with was going anyway because his brother was in one of the teams, so it made it a lot more fun to have a team to support, otherwise I wouldn’t have really minded either way who won!

  Although I did enjoy it, it hasn’t made me want to go back and see another game – it was good fun mostly because of the people I was with – we were only half focused on the game and spent the rest of the time just chatting or eating – we’d taken a picnic with us and it was a beautiful day! After the match, we met a lot of new people in the park – most people stayed for at least a few hours after the game just enjoying the sunshine.

  As I mentioned, I’m not that interested in sport, but I do watch some of the World Cup games when they are on television – it’s a lot more fun than just following a local or national team, and there’s a lot more going on in the crowd. When Germany won the world cup not too long ago, there was a small group of German people in my town that had a 24 hour party and invited everyone – it was such a good atmosphere!


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