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雅思口语解析:study efficiency

2017.08.15 10:38

  新东方在线雅思网为大家带来了雅思口语解析:study efficiency。希望以下内容能够为同学们的雅思备考提供帮助。新东方在线雅思网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的雅思报名官网消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。


  Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?


  Do you find it hard to focus on studying at different times during the day?


  Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?


  What do you do to improve your learning efficiency?

  1. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?


  误区:有的同学回答的时候会在用词上和原题重合,比如‘I prefer to study in the morning’ ,或者‘I prefer to study in the afternoon’;为了在lexical recourses 上面拿分,我们应该尝试把‘prefer’和‘in the morning’或者‘in the afternoon’给换掉哦。


  a morning person 喜欢白天的人

  in the day 在白天

  in the day time 在白天

  think straight / think clearly 思路清晰

  focus on… 专心于……

  but saying that 我只是说说,事实是……


  For me, personally, I find it a lot easier to read and do my course work right after I wake up from a good night’s sleep and have some lovely filter coffee. But later on after my lunch break, I would always feel so full up that I wouldn’t be able to do anything any more. But saying that, I can’t really manage to get out of my bed on most mornings.

  2. Do you find it hard to focus on studying at different times during the day?


  误区:虽然题目里面有说‘at different times’,但并不是要我们列举在几点钟的时候觉得很难专心学习。这里是说不同的时候或者场合。


  concentrate on… 专心于……

  during the rush hours

  frustrating 令人沮丧

  disturbing 烦人,使心烦

  traffic sounds 交通噪音

  there’s car beeping 汽车按喇叭

  never fail to 总是能够……

  drive me mad 让我发疯

  do my head in 让我头疼


  Yeah, I often have that feeling actually. Whenever there are people talking around me, I just feel that it is impossible for me to do any reading or anything. Apart from that, the never-ending high-pitched noise from the road works never fails to do my head in.

  3. Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

  思路:我们可以用一个‘I don't know’做过渡,然后说说根据自己的经历或是猜测,可能是因为有太多像智能手机之类的诱惑把人们的注意力转移了。原因大家可以自己去想一想,都可以。没有正确与错的答案。

  误区:这里的范文我们使用的filter language‘I don’t know’,仅仅是起一个过渡的作用。同学们如果一时间想不到什么原因,也不能光说一句‘I don’t know’就结束了,更不能一言不发哦。注意,雅思考试不以内容的对错打分,只是看我们的语言准确性。


  from my own experience 根据我个人的经验

  drag sb. away from… 把某人从……拽走

  and things like that 等等那一类的东西


  I don’t know, but from my own experience, I guess it’s just because there are far too many temptations and distractions out there to drag people away from whatever they are supposed to concentrate on, you know, like smart phones and things like that.

  4. What do you do to improve your learning efficiency?

  思路:开头一个‘I’ve never thought about that to be honest’一来过渡一下,一来给我们一个时间快速整理思路。这里用两个例子举例。

  误区:有的同学特别擅长提高学习效率,也特别有方法,所以遇到这个题目,就滔滔不绝列出很多方法。尤其这里是part 1哦,大家列举1-2个方法即可。


  I’ve never thought about that 我还没考虑过这个问题

  What I normally do is… 我通常会……

  Day-planner 日程本

  be left alone 独自一人

  set up a plan 定计划

  reward sb. with… 用……来奖励某人

  end up doing… 最后


  Well, I’ve never thought about that to be honest. I mean what I normally do is just laying out my to-do lists in my day-planner and whenever I finish one of the tasks, I would reward myself with a 30-min rest but sadly most of the time I just end up falling asleep until hours later. See, that doesn’t work out very well on me. You know what, I somehow realize that I always finished my homework much faster whenever I was left in my new flat alone and it’s probably because I have got no internet or TV there yet.




