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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:做过错误决定的人

2017.07.19 13:53

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  Describe someone you know who made a wrong decision.

  You should say:

  who the person was

  what the situation was

  what decision they made

  and explain why you think it was the wrong decision.


  Ok well after thinking about it for a bit just now, the person I’ve decided to talk about is a younger cousin of mine, and as for what the situation was, well basically he was planning to open up a restaurant, which had been his dream since he was very young. But I guess like most people just starting out, he didn’t have all the resources and capital himself, so he thought it would be best to run the restaurant together with someone else. And so the decision he ended up making was to share the business with someone he was friends with at the time. However, he hadn’t known them for all that long, so it was a bit risky but he kind of just went with his gut instinct.

  So anyway, what happened was that, to begin with, the restaurant actually started off doing really well. I mean, from what he told me, it was busy everyday, so it was all looking pretty good at first. But unfortunately later, when my cousin realized that more money was needed in order to cope with the initial growth, what happened was that his partner wasn’t willing to invest anything more into the restaurant, because she was basically happy with the way things were.

  And because of their differences of opinion, they ended up just closing the restaurant and going their own separate ways, which was a huge pity, because it had got off to such a great start, and was already becoming really popular with the locals.

  So it was a sad end, but at least I think my cousin learnt a lot from what happened. I mean, it was the first time he had ever tried starting up a business of any sort, so it was a good learning experience for him.




