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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:想再读一遍的书

2017.07.17 14:50

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  Describe a book you recently read that you would like to read again.

  You should say:

  what the book was about

  why you read it

  what you learned from this book

  and explain why you would like to read it again.


  Ok, well after a bit of thought, I’ve decided that the book I’d like to talk about is one called Think Like DaVinci, as it's definitely a book I would like to read again at some point, for reasons I'll come on to shortly.

  But firstly though, with regard to what the book was about, well in a nutshell, it basically explained how all of us have the capability and potential to become a genius, like DaVinci. And it outlined a few various things that he used to do, which we can also get into the habit of doing. So in other words, it basically offered a few ideas on how we can all live to our full potential.

  Anyway, as for what made me read it, well if my memory serves me correctly, I was browsing around in my local bookshop one day, and the book's cover kind of just caught my eye when I saw the name DaVinci written in big bold letters.

  I should also mention the fact that I'm quite a big fan of self-help books, because on the whole, I tend to learn quite a lot from them, and this book was definitely no exception. Just to give you an example, I would say I've learned to become much more observant after reading this book, such as generally paying more attention to everything around me. And in so doing, this has made me appreciate things a lot more.

  Of course, there were a number of other things I learned, but nothing else is coming to mind right now, and that's basically why I wanna read the book again, because I've forgotten a lot of it. So I kind of need to refresh my memory a little bit!




