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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:一见如故的朋友

2017.07.14 14:41

  雅思口语Part 2&3范文汇总去哪里找?不要急,新东方在线雅思网为大家整理了雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:一见如故的朋友。希望以下内容可以为你的雅思口语考试提供帮助。更多有关雅思备考的内容,尽在新东方在线雅思网。

  >>>更多请点击:雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文汇总

  Describe a person who became your good friend at the first meeting.

  Useful phrases:

  The first time we met must have been about 2 or 3 years ago, when I was in my first year at university…(第一次见面应该是两、三年前吧……)

  …the seat next to him was empty, so I sat down there and we (kind of) just started talking.

  …basically what happened was that we just started talking to each other while we waited for the lecture to begin.

  We found that we had quite a lot (of things) in common……

  …for example, he told me that he’s a big tennis fan, which I am as well.

  We also found that we’re from the same place in China, which is quite a coincidence considering the fact that my hometown’s pretty small.

  (considering the fact that = 考虑到)

  What I liked most about him was the fact that he seemed to take a genuine interest in the things I said. (我最喜欢他的一点就是他对我所说的话有真正的兴趣。)

  You know, I’m sure you’ll agree that when you meet a lot of people for the first time and they ask you a question, you can tell (能看出来)they're not really listening to your answer, because they’re just trying to make polite conversation (礼貌地交谈), but he wasn’t like that. (但他不是那样的)

  Another thing that I liked about him was (the fact that) he just seemed like a really down-to-earth guy.

  (Down-to-earth person = 脚踏实地的人)

  He seemed to have a nice, easy-going personality.

  I found her really likeable (她挺讨人喜欢.)

  We (kind of) just clicked, if you know what I mean. (我们一见面就非常投契)

  We got on really well with each other.

  You know, most of the time, when I meet someone for the first time, I tend to be a bit shy, but on this occasion, I somehow (由于某种原因) just felt really at ease(感到自在,) and it’s (kind of) difficult to explain why…maybe it’s because we had quite similar personalities.

  We kind of knew that we would end up becoming really good friends, and yeah, it’s turned out that way!





