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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:让你有些生气的情况

2017.07.14 14:31

  雅思口语Part 2&3范文汇总去哪里找?不要急,新东方在线雅思网为大家整理了雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:让你有些生气的情况。希望以下内容可以为你的雅思口语考试提供帮助。更多有关雅思备考的内容,尽在新东方在线雅思网。

  >>>更多请点击:雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文汇总

  Describe a situation that made you a little angry.

  You should say:

  what it was that made you angry

  where you were when this happened

  what you were doing at the time

  and explain why you felt angry.


  Well, I like to think that I'm not the kind of person that gets angry easily, but if I had to recall a time when I did get slightly angry, then one experience that comes to mind was when I recently went out for a meal together with my family at a local Indian restaurant.

  I guess it must have been about three or four months ago, and we hadn't seen each other for quite a while, so we thought it would be nice to all go out somewhere for dinner, which would save us the hassle of cooking and washing up at home.

  As for what happened at the restaurant, well, when we got there, we were all in pretty good spirits, because we'd had a nice day together, and we were looking forward to a good curry.

  Unfortunately though, we ended up waiting absolutely ages for our food to come, and, to make matters worse, I had a train to catch later that night, so I politely asked the waiter a few times when our food would be ready, and all he said to me was, “It will be ready in 5 minutes.” Well, we ended up still waiting another half an hour for the first dish to arrive. And another thing I should mention is that we noticed that some of the other customers who had arrived after us actually received their meals first, so as you can imagine, we weren't too happy about that, but at least the food was good!

  So before we left, I made it clear to the manager that we were pretty unsatisfied with the way we were treated, and in all likelihood we wouldn't be returning. After he heard me say this, he did actually apologize, but he still made some feeble excuse that they were really busy that night and were finding it hard to cope with all the orders.

  Anyway, I'm glad to say that thankfully this kind of thing hasn't happened to me too often, and I actually found out later that the restaurant had only just opened, so that probably explains why the service wasn't up to scratch.

  Thanks for listening.




