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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:教育节目

2017.07.14 14:17

  雅思口语Part 2&3范文汇总去哪里找?不要急,新东方在线雅思网为大家整理了雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:教育节目。希望以下内容可以为你的雅思口语考试提供帮助。更多有关雅思备考的内容,尽在新东方在线雅思网。

  >>>更多请点击:雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文汇总

  Describe an educational TV programme that you have seen.

  You should say:

  what the programme is about/ what the programme is

  how often you watch or listen to this programme

  what type of people enjoy this programme

  and explain why this programme is educational.


  I’m really into the TV show called the Expert of Cate, which is a popular TV programme teaching audience how to cook simple but tasty food. The time it broadcasts is so convenient that after watching it, I have enough time to imitate the delicacies I have just learned from the programme. I believe it appeals to anyone who love life and food particularly.


  The hostess is a teacher as well. Her voice is really kindly. She looks like a patient and kind-hearted housewife, as same as my lovely mom. She is good at cooking all kinds of food, and teaching you how to cook it yourself step by step as well.


  This programme is broadcast on Friday evening. So every weekend, if I have enough leisure time to enjoy it, I can lie down on my cozy sofa and watch it, taking some notes from time to time.


  Thanks to this educational programme, I can cook something for my family now. Although I can’t cook very well, I will acquire a sense of achievement when someone enjoys my dishes. Besides, this programme helped a lot and changed me from a layman to a person who enjoys cooking. On top of that, it may be an easy way to let off steam during the weekend after a one-week tiring work.



  1.流行的电视节目:popular TV programme

  2.教授观众如何做简单又美味的食物:teaching audience how to cook simple but tasty food

  3.非常方便:so convenient


  5.特别是热爱生命和美食:love life and food particularly

  6.她的声音很亲切:her voice is really kindly

  7.看起来像:look like

  8.耐心和好心的家庭主妇:patient and kind-hearted housewife

  9.擅长于: be good at

  10.所有种类的食物:All kinds of food

  11.一步步的:step by step

  12.节目星期五晚上播:the programme is broadcast on Friday evening

  13.休息时间:leisure time

  14.舒服的沙发:cozy sofa

  15.做笔记:taking some notes

  16.为了的家庭做饭:cook something for my family

  17.成就感:a sense of achievement

  18.我做的菜:my dishes


  20.最重要的是:On top of that

  21.释放压力:let off steam

  22.一周的疲劳工作:a one-week tiring work




