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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:野生动物

2017.07.13 16:30

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  Describe a wild animal from your country

  You should say:

  what the animal is and what it looks like

  where it lives

  and explain how people in your country (or you) feel about this animal.


  1.I'm going to describe the 'robin' which is a wild bird that is common in the UK. The robin is a small bird with brown and white feathers and an area of bright red colour on it's face and on the front of its body. The area of red colour makes robins very easy to distinguish from other birds.

  2.Robins are common garden birds. Many houses in the UK have a garden, and you can often see this bird sitting in a tree. They make their nests in trees and go looking for food. You might also see a robin if you go for a walk in the countryside or in a park.

  3.Robins have a special place in British culture. They are considered to be christmas birds, and are often used on christmas cards. Many people leave food in their gardens for robins and other small birds to eat.




