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2017年1-4月雅思口语语料:a team project

2017.02.07 10:01

  以下是新东方在线雅思网为大家整理的2017年1-4月雅思口语语料:a team project 。面对不断变化的雅思口语,考生需要时时对话题进行跟踪和准备。希望以下内容可以为你的雅思口语考试提供帮助。新东方在线雅思网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的雅思报名官网消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。

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  很多雅思考生说,不爱参加集体活动的娃,面对something you did with a group of people或者a team project for study or entertainment这两道话题,就只有哭的份儿了…… 但是中国有句名言:没吃过猪肉还没见过猪跑咩!学生们干过最多的集体活动都是学校组织的啊!从小学到大学,从唯美的文艺汇演(Art show)到高端的模拟联合国(Model United Nations),即使你不是参与者,也肯定当过看台观众吧!


  When I was in high school, I took part in a national-level robot competition on behalf of my school, in which we needed to form a group of three and compete with other groups in different areas in the country.

  The robot competition is all about coding and programming. We had to activate the robot to let it do something automatically, not by the remote you know. In other words, we needed to make an intelligent robot system. The three of us had different tasks. I was responsible for the programming, and another boy was in charge of construction, you know, the assembling part. And the girl in our team took care of all the testing work.

  We worked together really well, actually before the competition, we didn’t really know about each other, but during the preparation process, we could feel that we had built a strong friendship, I mean, we were like family.

  What we built was an intelligent transport system, and it was 6 years ago. The amazing part is, basically everything we designed has been mass-produced and available on the market, for example, the intelligent garage and signal light.

  Now looking back, we still have a strong sense of achievement and I feel awesome when I think about it.


  on behalf of somebody = on somebody’s behalf = as the representative of somebody. 例如:

  On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all.

  Mr. Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf.

  这个短语其实还有in order to help somebody的意思,例如:

  They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers (a person who has been forced to leave their own country because they are in danger and who arrives in another country asking to be allowed to stay there).

  On the market = available for people to buy 例如:

  to put your house on the market

  The house came on the market last year.

  There are hundreds of different brands on the market.

  Look back (on something) = reflect on = to think about something in your past 例如:

  To look back on your childhood




