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2015.09.09 14:15

  新东方在线雅思频道特为大家收集整理了雅思口语素材库:人生的重要阶段,供大家阅读参考。雅思听力考试中有一些常考的场景,同学们在备考阶段需要牢记这些场景的词汇哦~更多最新雅思备考资讯,请关注 @新东方在线雅思 微博账号。


  A Difficult decision/ an important stage in your life


  One of the most important decisions I've ever made and want to talk about today is my decision to go to study in the UK/USA。 I made this decision just a few months ago when I was seeing my boyfriend off at the airport. He was leaving to study in the University of Oxford London/Harvard. At the airport, we cried, hugged and kissed each other for a long time. We remember the good old days we spent together, how wonderful and romantic it was. And now it was just so hard to see her leaving me. Then he spoke to me, “Your name, you know I love you. If I could choose, I would have chosen not to leave you, if god gives me a chance , I will be with you forever, every minute, every second, and I will love you forever even though we are apart” At that moment, I totally broke down and tears just kept flooding down my cheeks, I said to him in my sobbing voice, “his/her name, I love you too very much, I promise you that I won’t leave you alone. I will come to England too. Just remember my words. You won’t have to wait for long” It is at that very moment I made up my mind. I will go to England, to keep him company, for no other reasons, but just for him, because I love him. And there could be nothing more important than this; to do something for the man I truly love.




