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2015.09.09 12:26

  新东方在线雅思频道特为大家收集整理了雅思口语素材库:图书馆,供大家阅读参考。雅思听力考试中有一些常考的场景,同学们在备考阶段需要牢记这些场景的词汇哦~更多最新雅思备考资讯,请关注 @新东方在线雅思 微博账号。


  Describe a library that you know

  You should say:

  where it is

  when you went there

  what books and facilities this library has

  and explain what you like or dislike about this library


  图书馆话题……看到它又让我想起了在英国时紧张而快乐的大学生活。甚至现在还能回味起爱丁堡大学图书馆里那古老的皮革与硬木(leather and hardwood)掺杂的味道。记得当时有张借书卡(library card),泡在图书馆里的时间很多。每次都是先去电脑上查一下书目(catalogue),然后把自己喜欢的书大借一通,如杂志(magazine),学术期刊(Journal),学科文献(literature for subject),甚至是有声读物(audiobook)。然后抱着叠成山的书跑回家慢慢品味。偶尔也有书已经被别人借走的时候,管理员(librarian)人很好,会帮我预留(on hold)。

  素材库 when you went there?

  My library has a website and I can reserve books any time I can get internet access. My library card number has an account and I can check there for when my book becomes available.

  Put the books you want on hold or reserve so when they come in the library can notify you and you go pick them up and you can read them.You can also get the library to get books from surrounding libraries to reserve books for you. That is how I get some of my research books.

  I get books from all over the country and I live in a rural area. I catalog and research antique violins and sometimes I need specific books that are very hard to find and certain library or university libraries will loan their books.

  I can call ahead and reserve the books for whenever they are available. Then, when they get them in, they'll tell you and you can go get them. Most libraries will do this for you. I'd also try calling into other libraries like you said you are on the outskirts of a larger city.

  Most libraries let you reserve the books you want. That'll put you on the waiting list so you're guaranteed to get the book when it gets checked back in.

  The librarians are doing a good job by letting you check out the books you want, to check out, so you will go home with them.

  偶然翻到明尼苏达州亨内平县图书馆(Hennepin County Library)的BLOG主页上,看到他们曾经向读者征询了一个类似的问题:

  Be it big or small, how has Hennepin County Library changed your world, added to your life or, simply, why is the Library important to you?


  The library brings the world to me. 1.MUSIC CD'S-I can keep up on the recordings of current artists. 2.MAGAZINES-keep up on current events, entertainment. 3.AUDIO BOOKS-I have time to 'listen to books instead of reading them. Also, the narrators do an excellent job of pronouncing certain words that I would normally skip over (like French names).


  借书规则 Borrowing Rules

  借书权利 Borrowing privileges

  学生必须出示学生证到借书处办理结束手续。All students must use their Student ID Cards to borrow library materials at the Circulation Counter.

  不可转借学生证给他人使用。Student ID Cards cannot be transferred to, or used on behalf of, other persons.

  教职员工可使用教师电脑使用者名称借阅图书馆资源。All teachers and staff can use their computer login name to borrow library materials at the Circulation Counter.

  续借 Renewals

  在没有人预约的情况下,所有学生及教职员工可在书籍到期前续借书籍一次。All students, teachers and staff can renew the above materials once, provided that no hold request has been made for the same item by other users, or the item is not overdue.

  预借 Holds

  过期还书罚款:每日每本1英镑。Overdue fines: £.100 per item per day.




