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2015.09.01 14:58



  1. What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to sing or dance in front of an audience?

  Children who learn to perform in front of an audience are generally more confident in how they interact with other people and how they present themselves. It can give them a real sense of achievement to perform in front of an audience and be applauded for their skill. The extensive practice required to do this is also beneficial for children as it teaches them the benefits of hard-work and dedication. If they are performing as part of a larger group then it also drives homes the value of teamwork and co-operation, as well as letting them make new friends.

  2. Do you think the performing arts should be included in normal school curriculums?

  I’m not sure if it should be a compulsory subject, as not all children enjoy performing in front of other people. I do think that it should definitely be an option for students though. My guy feeling is that performing arts are a really beneficial subject to study and so I would hope as many children can take part as possible. Some people argue that this subject is merely the icing on the cake to a good basic education in academic subjects, and that if you want to study the arts then you should go to a specialist school, but this misses the point. Often, a child does not realize he or she enjoys the performing arts until they try them, and they can’t do this unless it’s on the curriculum at all schools. Then, if they really want to go to an arts school then they can.

  3. Do boys and girls have the same feelings/attitudes about performing an artistic performance?

  Girls have a lot more going for them when it comes to performing. They are usually more comfortable being the centre of attention, which is an integral part of performing. They are also generally more disciplined and more reliable, so are more suited to the stresses of rehearsal. That said, boys can be great actors as they bring energy and spirit to their performances. Boys usually prefer active roles where they can be the hero or villain of a story. Traditionally, parts for girls have been less important and less dramatic, though this is changing quickly as gender stereotypes are broken down. Some boys may view performing arts as too namby-pamby and dismiss them as not macho or ‘cool’ enough, or think it is boring. Girls are more open to the idea of artistic performance, especially in areas like dance and ballet.

  4. What can children learn from dancing?

  At first glance, dancing seems a strange way for children to learn anything. If you think about it though there are many benefits. Dancing gives children an awareness of how their body works that they will probably otherwise not notice. This can help with posture and dexterity, especially for young people going through the physical changes of puberty. Of course, if you can dance well then you’re sure to be a hit with your friends, and you’ll always have something to impress people with at parties!




