

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.09.01 14:36



  1. Do you think it's important to study a foreign language?

  Learning another language gives the learner the ability to step inside the mind and context of that other culture. Without the ability to communicate and understand a culture on its own terms, true access to that culture is barred. In a world where nations and peoples are ever more dependent upon on another to supply goods and services, solve political disputes, and ensure international security, understanding other cultures is paramount. A person competent in other languages can bridge the gap between cultures, contribute to international diplomacy, promote national security and world peace, and successfully engage in international trade.

  2. Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?

  I do not think people are better than others at learning a foreign language. I believe it depends on circumstances and benefits that certain people have. For example, if you are placed in a situation where you are completely deep in a surrounding that forces you to learn, you will certainly learn faster. Some people are more communicative in general, so having this skill gives you more converse about and leaves you open to have more practice. Also some people are more dedicated than others, and have better study skills. Then there are people who have more free time to spend learning, while others have major responsibilities to attend to.

  3. How would you assess your own language ability?

  I find as many chances as I can to use what I already know by finding friends that can help me practice. I embrace every opportunity I get, and I surround myself with as much as possible television, music, and books as I can. I practice and practice and repeat. The only way to grow is to compose a plan and a routine that you will follow through with. You have to really push yourself and be dedicated. Hard work and dedication is the key to success in anything you do.

  4. Who do you think is better at learning a language, boys or girls?

  People usually believe that girls have more advantages in learning language, because it requires more patience; they don’t get distracted as easy. Also it is not that girls are smarter, they just usually have better study habits than boys. Girls are more communicative and talkative than boys, so they get more practice. On the other hand, most of the leading interpreters and spokes people in China are men.




