
资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.09.01 14:35



  1. Do you think it's important to keep up with the news?

  Many people walk through their lives delightfully unaware of most of the events and issues going on in the world outside of their daily lives. One of the media's major roles is to serve as a watchdog that keeps people informed. As social creatures that care about what is going on around them, human beings rely a great deal on news. It is important not only because it provides people with information that allows them to live their lives easier, but more importantly because it is the primary way that the populace can stay informed and thus govern themselves. It can help one make informed decisions when performing their civic duties.

  2. What are the main differences between magazines and newspapers?

  Magazines are made to sell products and to entertain; while newspapers are used more just to inform readers about the important aspects that affect your lives. Most magazines are just celebrity gossip. It is not necessarily verifiable. It plays no direct role in the way a person lives their life. It certainly plays no role in helping inform people so they can be good citizens and govern themselves. It’s complete lack of relevancy to a person's life makes celebrity gossip entertainment, not news.

  3. Why do some people only read the headlines when they read a newspaper?

  Most of us, who are interested in the news, usually have busy schedules. We usually only have time to read a newspaper on the bus or train, and that is if there is not too many people. So when people like me read the newspaper, we first scan the headlines to find the most interesting of the day. If a headline does not catch our attention, we don’t read it; unless we still have some spare time. Then there are articles that we think have no significance in our lives, so we don’t even consider reading them; thus, that article’s headline just gets read.

  4. Some people say we can't believe everything we read in newspapers and news magazines. What do you think?

  I think at times getting information from magazines, newspapers, or television may be unreliable; because these media sources are owned and ran by big business owners or by a government. Many media sources only release information in a way that is bias to the people that own the company opinions. You can go to the internet for news but internet news can also be false, rumors, or opinion. Anyone can write anything they want on the internet freely without reference or accountability to the truth. At least with accredited news there is a little responsibility in giving the truth to the public.




