

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.09.01 14:33



  1. Do children and adults like playing together?

  I would say that this depends largely on the adult. Almost all children enjoy playing games, but not all adults do. So, it’s unlikely that an adult would like playing with a child if he or she doesn’t like playing games at all, or if he or she doesn’t like children. However, some adults are still a child at heart and often enjoy playing with their own children or other people’s. Children especially enjoy playing with adults when the adult can do something other children cannot, like giving them rides on their back or showing them how to play a new sport. It’s good to keep an open mind about adults and children playing together.

  2. Are boys and girls interested in the same games or play activities?

  Not really, most of the time girls and boys enjoy very different types of games. Girls tend to enjoy games where you pretend to be someone like ‘making house’ or ‘mummy and daddy’. They often prefer talking rather than running around. Boys tend to play noisy, active games that involve a lot of activity. They are more interested in competition than cooperation and so sports are very popular.

  3. Do you think entertainment for children today is good or not?

  Today there are many more sources of entertainment than there was years ago. Now we have television, computer games, the internet and amusement parks. In the old days people often had to make do with what they could find around them and use their imagination. Some people think that children today are less active because they have so much easy access to entertainment, and can’t use their imagination because entertainment is so common. Personally, I think that it’s a good thing children have more entertainment today because they can choose from a wider variety of interests. In the past, sometimes there was very little entertainment at all and children be bored out of their minds.

  4. Do you think it's important for schools to have after-school activities for school children?

  Of course! After-school activities are extremely valuable. They provide a way for children to relax after working hard at school and build a community spirit amongst the students. They also allow students to learn many things they would otherwise not have access to, like playing a new sport or musical instrument. Some people think that taking part in after-school activities is a waste of time and that students should concentrate on their studies, but I think taking part in extra-curricular activities also shows people that you are enthusiastic and motivated about school-life. It shows you’re motivated to do something with your time other than just hanging out.




