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2015.09.01 14:25



  1. Do people in China like the police?

  Well, that depends. For the most part the public really respects the police as a whole. However, especially in some more remote areas the police can be corrupt and may exercise their authority in unjust ways. That may abuse their power. I suppose people there just put it down to one of those things that they have to live with. In the cities the police force tends to be better-educated and more civilized. People really trust their local police force to look after them and keep them safe.

  2. What are the working conditions of the police like?

  To be honest with you I’m rather clueless on this one. Believe it or not I’m not a policeman and I don’t know anyone in the police force so all I can tell you is what I’ve seen and experienced myself. The police I’ve seen seem to be well kitted-out with uniforms and equipment. I haven’t seen many police cars on the streets though, so maybe there aren’t many vehicles for them to use. Police have to stand up and walk around for most of the day which must be tiring for them, but it’s expected as part of the job. In general I think working conditions are not bad at all.

  3. What personal qualities does a person need to be a police officer?

  To be a police officer a person first of all has to respect the law! You can’t be expected to enforce the law if you don’t follow it yourself. Police officers have to serve the public, so they also have to have the gift of the gab and be able to communicate clearly and politely. They are likely to be in stressful, even violent, situations, and so they need to be have their wits about them and be calm in a crisis. Being physically fit is also a must. A police officer has to walk a beat, chase criminals and patrol the neighborhood.

  4. Which job would most people prefer - to be a policeman/policewoman?

  Male police offers generally have to do the most dangerous work. It is men who are in the armed police units and it’s men who have to be out on the streets most of the time. Female police officers tend to have less active jobs where they have to guard a place or provide security at subway stations. I think a lot of people would prefer to be a police woman if they aren’t so keen on dangerous work. That said, you might get more respect and the work might be more exciting if you’re catching criminals and really making a difference to people’s lives.




