

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.09.01 14:19



  1. Why do some people dislike taking photographs?

  Some people are just not photogenic. They do not think that they look good in photos. thus refuse to take them. My girlfriend is one of those people. Every time she sees someone taking a photo, she hides her face. I like to try and catch her when she is not paying attention. I have actually got some very good photos of her when she is acting natural. I think most photos of people are usually better when they are in natural settings.

  2. Can you give me an example of a happy time when you took a photograph?

  I remember my grandfather’s eightieth birthday. We threw a surprise party for him and invited all of his friends. My mother brought him to the grocery store. Then when they came back, we all jumped out and yelled surprised. He was so touched that he almost cried. I got a picture of that very moment. It is a picture that I will always treasure.

  3. What are some situations when people take photographs?

  People take a lot of photographs when they go on vacation. They take pictures of famous sites with everyone on the trip. People take a lot of photos during parties. I like to take photos of funny things. For example, I was playing charades at one of my birthday parties, and my friends had to act out two monkeys fighting for a banana. I took a picture of my friends hoping around like idiots. It was great, and I will never forget it because I have a photo capturing the moment.

  4. Do you like taking photographs?

  Yes, of course I like taking photographs. It is a great way to keep memories. I take my camera everywhere and take pictures with every good opportunity. My mother has been keeping a scrapbook for me since I was a baby. I now continue to fill my scrapbook on my own. I put pictures of my graduation and of all of my birthday parties. I also put pictures of my friends and family inside.




