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2015.08.26 16:53



  1. How do parents influence the development of that child?

  A child's parents are the first role models he or she has. The child first imitates their parent’s speech and their parent’s actions. If mommy and daddy are always hot-tempered, a child will most likely become the same way. If a child receives no discipline or rules, then he or she may grow up thinking that there are no consequences for their actions. And in result, they can become a very selfish or mean person. It is very important that parents make sure that they are always sending the right messages to their children.

  2. How is the way children are brought up today in China different to when your parents were young?

  Most children today in China are in one-child homes, due to the one-child policy in effect. As a result they get a lot of attention from the entire family. Everyone is involved in the raising process. Another effect of being an only child is that parents push their children much harder to succeed. They have much more pressure, because there is fierce competition in China. On the other hand, a good thing is that the living conditions in China are getting better, so children have more advantages than before. For example, there are more activities such as amusement parks, museums, playgrounds, and arcades. Also a few fortunate children get the opportunity to travel to foreign countries.

  3. In your opinion, at what age do young people become independent of their parents?

  Being independent is being totally responsible for yourself in every way. So I think that once you can fully support yourself financially and successfully manage your budget, you are truly independent. But this is different for everyone, because of variation in circumstances. A lot of people are forced to be on their own earlier than others. But some people’s parents are wealthier than others, and thus have more advantages than others. Many cannot afford the opportunity of going to college, and have to join the work field right after high school.




