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2015.08.26 16:52



  1. What kinds of people do children in China want to be similar to when they grow up?

  Most children in China want to be similar to their parents. Parents are the people who are most involved in a child’s life, thus he or she wants to be most like them. Also children always think that their parents are the greatest people in the world. They often brag about their parents’ achievements to their friends. I once read a psychology book;it said that you can always see people from three different aspects, as a child, as a sophisticated adult, or as their parents. I believe this idea has a lot of significance in a person’s character.

  2. Do you think it is good for children and young people to use entertainment stars as role models?

  No, I do not think it is good for children and young people to use entertainment stars as role models. One reason is that many young people get depressed,because they cannot measure up to the impossible standards that the entertainment industry sets. Another reason is that many celebrities live very immoral lives. Many celebrities abuse alcohol and drugs, and many are in constant troubles with the law. Basically, the majority of entertainment stars are not fit to serve as role models for young people today.

  3. Why do some companies advertise products by using famous people?

  Some companies use famous people to advertise their products,because many people aspire to be famous or at least respect famous people’s opinions. It is also a well-known fact that most famous people are also very wealthy. So, if people see that someone famous using a certain product, they get the impression that it is a quality product. Another reason is that famous people are usually attractive. Having an attractive person in your advertisement draws in people’s attention, and will keep people’s attention longer than unattractive person.

  4. Do you think this is good?

  It is good for the company that is trying to sell the product, because it gets their product some recognition. So when consumers go to buy something at the store this advertisement will be in their mind. As a result it can increase their sales. It is good for the economy because people are spending money on these products and cash is continuing to exchange hands. Production and transportation continue, thus, creating jobs for the common man and lowering unemployment.




