

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.08.26 16:43



  1. In China, what is the attitude towards old people?

  In general, Chinese people are highly respectful of their elders. There is a deep-rooted sense of respect for age and experience in this country. It is not uncommon for people to offer their seats to older people on the bus or train, or to help them with their shopping. When eating, one always lets the oldest person begin eating first. Old people are held in high regard because people recognize that their long lives give them wisdom and experience. If someone has a problem they need advise about, they will almost certainly talk to an elderly person.

  2. Who do you think should take responsibility for looking after old people?

  Hopefully, old people are looked after by their children. After all, they raised their children and brought them up, so the children should re-pay their parents by taking care of them when they are old. However, not all old people have families or families that are willing to care for them, so they sometimes stay in an old people’s home where they can live in a community of other people their age. The main problem with these homes is that they can be very expensive, and the quality of care can vary dramatically.

  3. What should family members do for elderly parents/grandparents?

  It’s very important for family members to provide elderly relatives with material needs and comforts, such as warm and safe housing and good food. Some older people cannot do the same tasks they could do when they were younger, and so they may need someone to cook and clean for them. However, it’s also vital that family members continue to show their love and affection. Being old can be a lonely experience, and knowing that your family loves you and cares for you can be a wonderful comfort.

  4. Are there any advantages to being old?

  Of course there are also many advantages to being old, even though there are also disadvantages. One enjoyable aspect of old-age is that one is generally not required to work. You can enjoy lots of free-time without the pressures of a career or earning money. Many old people take up hobbies such as Tai Chi or board-games. One can often see groups of older ladies dancing to music in the streets as a form of exercise and for fun. There is now a lot of time to enjoy socializing and spending time with friends and loved ones. Another advantage to being old is that you have learnt many things from your life, and can be considered rather wise and knowledgeable.




