

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.08.26 16:37



  1. Do you think people mostly remember sad events or happy events?

  It is my experience that it is more difficult to forget sad events. It seems that we are more affected by unhappy events than the happy ones. We tend to think about them longer and they usually have consequences that last longer periods of time. It could also be unwillingness on our part to accept a loss. It also may well be that a part of the mind continues to deny the reality of that particular event.

  2. Sometimes, people replace memories of real events with their own versions of the event. What do you think of this?

  Sometimes people replace memories of real events with their own versions because our imagination is more interesting than the truth. Some people are very conscious of what other people think of them, that they invent stories to make themselves seem greater than they really are. Another reason is that as people get older their memory fades. They can only remember certain details, and so they unconsciously fill in the rest. Whether it be intentional unintentional, people’s memories of events are usually unreliable.

  3. Why do some people keep diaries?

  Some people like painting, some like directing videos, and some people just enjoy writing. I keep a diary because when I have pent up feelings or thoughts, I have to get them out somewhere. A diary is something that I can confide in, because there things I could never tell anyone else. It is also fun to go back and read things from years gone by. By keeping a diary, I can practice new ways of expressing feelings through detail, metaphors, similes, and other writing techniques. Sometimes I also write poems and songs in my diary.

  4. Do you think the older generation should pass on their life experiences to the next generation by recording these experiences in a diary?

  Yes, I do think that the older generation should pass on their life experiences in some form of writing. If they do not, their legacy will die with them, and their family will lose their entire history over time. It is important for new generations to know and understand where they came from, so they do not make the same mistakes as previous generations. Also it is a way for those that pass away to be remembered. Most young people do not listen to or they forget their elder's advice and instruction; so if it is written, it will be there for them when they need it and they are willing to accept it.




