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2015.08.26 16:35



  1. What are some examples of family activities that make people feel happy?

  Families usually spend the most time together on holidays. The most important holiday in Chinese culture is the spring festival. Families gather and have a big feast to be thankful for what they have and to wish for good luck in the coming year. In my family we all make dumplings together. My grandmother chooses one special dumpling and hides a gold coin or ring inside. The family member who finds this special dumpling is guaranteed good luck for the year. After dinner we gamble for money in the form of mahjong tournaments. Then we all go outside and set off fireworks. But now many cities in China have banned the use of fireworks because of fire risks. Either way the whole family stays up all night together. We also have a special tradition where we put on new socks with the figure of an evil person on the base; and at midnight we step on the person, so that we can drive away evil people.

  2. Why do people feel happy when they are with members of their family?

  I think people feel most happy when they are with family members, because they are with people that they trust and feel comfortable being entirely open with. Family members love you unconditionally and are less judging. Family surrounds you with a positive and supportive environment. The happiest people I know have a good family life. They have traditions and activities that create a special closeness.

  3. Are the things that make people happy today the same as several decades ago?

  Yes, at least for the simple things, such as family, friends, finding love, and having wealth. But as for entertainment and recreation, these things are always changing with technology and globalization. Today, just about every household has a television set and an internet connection. More people are sitting in front of screen rather than being outside playing sports or going out with friends. Also as there is more and more western influence in China, a growing number of young Chinese people are being found at bars and dance clubs. More kids are into different genres of music and are dressing in different ways.

  4. Do you think money makes people happy?

  Money is only part of the equation for happiness. It is more of a means to an end. Going through the stress and storm of making money does make you happy sometime, because you see the substantial amount of growth right before your eyes. At the same token though, you start to neglect the more important things in life, which are relationships with friends and family. I think it is not money that makes you happy, but it is the people that you can share it with.




