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2015.08.25 14:47



  1. Do you like going on long trips?

  I don’t just like going on long trips, I love it! I’ve gone on a long trip every year now for the last three years. I really relish the chance to get away from my normal life and be thrown into a totally new situation. It’s a great feeling exploring somewhere totally new, not knowing what to expect or what you’re going to find around the next corner. I’ve always felt wanderlust and a need to explore, so going on long trips is the perfect way to fulfill my need for adventure. Some say the nicest thing about going away is coming home again, and even though I travel to get away from a boring life back home it is still nice to get back to familiar surroundings because you can appreciate them in a new light.

  2. When traveling on a long journey, what do you think you need to pay attention to?

  The first thing to pay attention to is your packing. You’re not going to be able to pop back to your house to pick up something you forgot, so it’s important to be careful. If you’re going on a long trip into a well-developed area of the world then the problems aren’t so bad as you can usually find a hospital if you get hurt and there’re generally a lot of services available. If you travel in a poorer area though, then things can get hairy. There may not be good medical care, crime can be a problem and it some places there may even be war. Have your wits about you wherever you go.

  3. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?

  This is a thorny issue. In general I love my own company and am quite happy on my own. Some of the best travelling experiences I’ve had are when I was alone, where I could think in peace and reflect on what I was doing and seeing. Travelling alone also allows you to more easily meet other people and interact with your surroundings. If you’re part of a group then you may stick together and not get a true sense of what life is like for locals. That said, travelling with others can be a wise choice when safety is concerned. If you get injured or attacked it’s a lot better to have other people around you to help. There’s safety in numbers.

  4. What are the benefits of traveling with a friend?

  Travelling with a friend is a wonderful way to share the work of travelling. If you need to book a lot of tickets or sort out visas then it can be helpful having someone else there with you to share your pain, offer moral support and offer advice. It’s nice to be able to talk to someone you know well when you’re travelling as you’re often in strange new environments and you may want someone familiar with you who you know well. Being able to share experiences together can be a great way to bond and come closer together. Some of the best travelling stories involve two friends getting in trouble together and sharing some hairy moments.




