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2015.08.25 14:37



  1. Do people in China use a lot of water?

  Water is life resource, and it must be preserved and managed. It is quite limited all over the world right now. About ten or more years ago, the Chinese government made a policy that urges citizens not to waste water resources. Now in northwestern China provinces such as Gansu, water shortage is a serious problem. People there may only take three times shower in an entire life. One for birth, one for marriage, and one for death; it is sad.

  2. Do you think people use more water today than they did before?

  Yes, I think people use more water today than before. In the past, people’s living conditions were not as demanding as they are today. They would wash their clothes in river, and then would use the same river for drinking. Nowadays people, particularly in big cities, care more about hygiene. They take showers, brush their teeth, and wear clone or perfume everyday to smell good.

  3. Do you think it's important to try to save water? (Why?)

  We are more aware of our environment than ever. Changes in weather patterns and the effects of global warming have had a dramatic effect on the world’s water supply; scarcity and cost are becoming increasingly important issues for all of us. By using water more wisely in our homes, gardens and workplaces, we can ease the pressure on our wetlands and rivers. Saving water will ensure more stable habitats for the birds and other wildlife that depend on our water environment for their survival.

  4. Do you know how water can be recycled?

  Difficult question Water-saving doesn’t require drastic measures, huge expense or big shifts in the way you do things. For example, one way to cut down on water use is to turn off the shower after soaping up, then turn it back on to rinse. Never put water down the drain when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or garden, or cleaning. Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. If you have a double-basin in your kitchen, fill one side with soapy water and one side with rinse water.




