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2015.08.25 14:23



  1. Why do some people like shopping and others not like it?

  I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I think shopping is a boring, exhausting chore. I hate having to go around all the shops looking for a new piece of clothing or whatever. I just want to get what I want and go home. Other people go shopping not so much to buy something, but as a way to spend their time and enjoy themselves. They enjoy browsing the things on sale, trying on clothes and seeing what new products are being offered. This is often called ‘window shopping’, because people go to shops and look at what’s on sale but do not actually buy much.

  2. What kinds of people dislike shopping?

  My feeling is that the kinds of people who enjoy shopping are more relaxed and willing to just go with the flow. They don’t mind wandering around many different shops because they find it enjoyable to just look at the things on sale. People who dislike shopping are usually more impatient and direct. They probably dislike crowds of other people, standing in line to pay for something or travelling between a shop and their home. They’d rather just be able to purchase what they want without the fuss and bother of actually going shopping. For them, home delivery is ideal because they can buy something without even leaving the house.

  3. What kinds of places are there for shopping in your neighborhood?

  I live in a small village just outside Beijing, so although I’m near a huge city I’m afraid there’s not much in the way of shopping in my local neighborhood. There are a few reasonably large supermarkets that sell a wide range of food and household goods, but most of the shops here are small. They usually specialize in one product or another, such as bicycles, sports clothing, mobile phones or stationary. There’s also a local market here where you can buy almost anything, but you also need to keep your wits about you because it’s easy to get cheated by the stall owners.

  4. Compare big shops such as supermarkets & department stores with small shops.

  Big shops can be more convenient places to shop because they contain a huge variety of goods in one place, so you don’t have to go from place to place to complete your shopping. This is useful if you want to buy a lot of things. However, if you’re only after one or two items then it can be annoying to walk around a huge, sprawling supermarket. It’s often nicer to visit a smaller shop. They are usually more local and easier to find, and there are more of them. Some people say that large department stores owned by rich companies take customers away from smaller, family-owned shops and hurt local people.




