

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.08.24 14:42




  I went to visit (...say a foreign country name or city name...) last year and stayed there for about a month. The food habits of people there were very much different than what I usually eat. Since I had to stay for a while, it was tough for me to enjoy the meals I was eating. Not that I disliked all the foods I ate there. But the foods those were easily available were something I ate but did not enjoy. After few days when I got a day-off, I went to visit one of my relatives there. To my surprise, they prepared my favorite meal. The four family members and I ate together and I ate voraciously as I enjoyed the taste and flavor of my favorite foods.

  I ate at this relative’s house and it the dinner that I ate there. I ate (...say some of your favorite food items...) and I enjoyed the way those were cooked and served. It was like eating a favorite food after a long.

  I enjoyed the meal because they were my favorite foods and I ate those after a while. Eating different foods all of a sudden for few days was kind of a tough thing and when I ate my known foods, I ate the dish with great taste and enthusiasm. Moreover, my relative and her husband had been very cordial and I enjoyed their company and the way they served me the dish.

  Similar Cue Card Topics

  Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

  1. Describe an outdoor meal you remember about

  2. Describe your favourite dishes

  3. Describe an item of food you like




