

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.08.24 12:21




  I currently live in our house which is a 2 storied building. But in future I would like to live in a farm house in my hometown. The house would be a small one with 4-5 rooms in it. But there would be plenty of trees, gardens, ponds and open spaces in from of the house. I want to live close to nature rather than living in a crammed metropolitan building. The house would be built with woods, leaves, some modern materials and tin. There would be a big veranda in front of the house. Trees would be all around the house.

  This would not be a very big house in terms of the size of the rooms. But definitely the total farm house would be well over 1 acre. I would not require a very big house because I won’t have so many furniture and show pieces. I will have only necessary house hold appliances and furniture.

  This house would be located at our home town which is (…say your hometown name...) in (...say the district/ division/ country name/ city name...). We already have a house there but I would convert it to a farm house in future when I will start living there.

  Currently I am living in a metropolitan city and leading a busy life. I do not wish to live in this crowded and busy city after my retirement. I have plan to take early retirement and then build a farm house in my hometown that would allow me living in a place which offers fresh air, clean environment, polluted free living and healthy and fresh foods. This is the main reason I want to live there. Secondly, I already have a house there and converting it to a farm house would not be that difficult. Finally I don’t want to live an idle life after my retirement and building a farm house and living there would allow me to get involved in many works that I won’t be able to do at my current living place.

  Similar Cue Card topics:

  Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

  1. Describe a building or house that impressed you.

  2. Describe an old house you have seen.

  3. Describe a house where you lived for a long

  4. Describe a house or flat you would like to own.




