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2015.08.24 12:18




  ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ which is also known as ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’, was one of my most favourite books in my childhood. I was so touched by this books and enjoyed it so much that I read it 2-3 times. This book was published from a diary written by a young girl named Anne Frank. My father gave this book as my 11th birthday gift and I read it when I was 11 years old. I have even read it when I grew up and was a student of college. To my surprise the book was as appealing and touchy as I found it in my childhood.

  The book was adopted from the diary Anne Frank, who was a teenage girl around 13 years old at the time of writing her diary. She originally wrote in Dutch language and later this book was translated in more than 60 languages worldwide. She wrote the diary when she and her family were in hiding for two years during the Nazi occupation of the Netherland during the Second World War.

  Anne got a diary as a birthday gift when she turned to 13 and she began to write in it from 14th June, 1942. At that time the Nazi occupied the Netherland and they were in hiding into a sealed-off upper room of Anne’s father’s office building in Amsterdam. They remain hiding there for two years and Anne wrote the events of the people living there, her personal thoughts and what happened that time.

  She has a good relationship with her father and a poor relationship with her mother. She admired her sister’s talent and intelligence and calm nature. She was initially irritated about Peter, a boy of her own age and later on they two became very close. Thus a little girl wrote about relationship, people’s mentality, perception of human, little joys and sadness of life and revealed the suffering of the people due to the war.

  Anne dies when she became 15 years old after they were betrayed and found by the Nazi. Sadly she dies only 2 weeks before the British troops liberated the prisoners from the concentration camp. After her death the diary was bit censored and was published with her father’s permission who was the only survivor from the Nazi camp.

  The suffering of the people during the war, the felling and thought of a young girl, her complaints and happiness, her perception of life were so brilliant that it touched my heart. I could not leave the book until I finished it and I was deeply touched to read the thoughts of a young and brilliant girl who was killed at her 15.

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  7. Describe something you still have from your childhood

  8. Describe a book you recently bought for someone.




