

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.08.24 12:12




  The computer and internet technology have been in introduced only few years back compared to other widely used technology like mobile phone, satellite etc. and yet the internet and computer have made a revolution the way we live our life. There are very few sectors where internet is not used. This has changed the way we communicate, present our business, and maintain our banking and do shopping.

  Internet has bought countless benefits for us and in my opinion the ease of communication it has made is the most important one for us. The previous way of communicating via post mail, telephone and travelling were expensive and time consuming. But internet has made it possible to communicate with others; be it a personal communication or business communication, very easy. One can send an email with rich media like video, image and multimedia presentation to anyone in the world only in few seconds. The wide spread popularity of social media networks like facebook and Google+ have made it possible to get connected with friends, family members, colleagues and new friends very easily. The smartphones with internet connection makes a business per son available for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You get notification whenever you get an email on internet calls.

  With the internet people can do business conference from different parts of the worlds and that has help improving the way multinational companies maintain their business. The social media would remind you your friends’ and family members’ birthday so that you do not forget to wish and greet them and thus internet helps us becoming more friendly and social.

  I prefer to use internet for several reasons: first it is available and cheap. I can use internet at home, at office and even in the street. I can get help on any topics, work or study related from the internet. It helps me getting connected to my family members, relatives and friends. I do online shopping and that helps me to save a significant time. The internet is probably the richest knowledge center that can answer my queries and needs. This is a great media for entertainment for me as I can find any music, movie or TV serial I like to watch.

  The internet, as I already said, is the most opulent source of getting information. Students can easily take advantages of learning from internet. In fact most of the students already use internet as study references, use it for completing their assignment and read books online.

  Our country is a promising country for the IT sector and already a large number of companies are working in this sector. This promising sector is heavily depended on the internet connection. A large number of workforce is depended on the internet connection, the eCommerce is primarily dependent on internet and most of the offices and companies use internet for their communication with other companies and clients. Thus our economy has dependency on this technology.

  Similar Cue Card topics:

  Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

  1. Describe a modern technology you know about

  2. Describe a technology you often use.

  3. Describe the most useful technology you know about

  4. Describe an invention that changed the world

  5. Describe a communication system you often use.




