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2015.08.20 11:31


  All I have to do is find his mother, and then I’m done with it for good.

  I don’t understand how any of this works any more than you do. I know how insane it sounds.

  Why in god’s name would I ever go back there?

  If you’ve been going through what I have, maybe the more appropriate question would be…?

  If there is any change of reconnecting with them, we’d better get moving.

  You answer to someone, don’t you? You follow a chain of command, right?

  Please find out what’s on the cutting edge of food storage systems.

  I am gonna make the best of this. I love you for what you are.

  I have never actually told her how she makes me feel when she does the things she does.

  I’m not spending the rest of my life this way.

  Everything she does says this. I’ve got to tell her, her timing sucks.

  If you wanna teach him a lesson, you make him clean the carpet himself. That he’ll remember.

  I never told you how hurtful and destructive your behavior can sometimes be.

  Just because we are family, and happen also to be neighbors doesn’t give you the right to constantly interfere in every aspect of my life.

  If he dies without making a will, his closest relative will inherit.

  Didn’t that fire teach you a lesson? Frankly, dear, I don’t give a damn.

  Try this terrible cloth on. It’d be worth it to get away from you.

  I’m stuffed. You’re really coming along.

  Why? You gotta be hit over the head with a mallet? Figure it out.




