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2015.08.17 11:42




  It would be probably 1 year or so when I bought a cell phone and went through a horrible experience. I bought Nokia C5 cell phone from a Nokia shop of the city shopping mall. I saved the amount to purchase a cell phone over 6 months that would allow me to use internet and install applications. Due to my budget deficiency I though Nokia C5 would be a good choice and the salesman also convinced me to purchase this particular one. I spent almost half an hour to test the phone before purchasing it.

  I used the cell phone for about a month and I was very happy of its performance. It was touch phone and mostly operated with fingertip. All of a sudden one day I noticed that the touch functionality is not working and hence I am unable to use it and do anything. I restarted the phone and I found it okay again. But that problem kept reappearing over and over again and I took the phone to the service center. After a week I took back it home and used smoothly for 2 weeks or so and sadly the problem reappeared. That was a very frustrating experience and I explained my daunting experience to the customer care officer and he assured that they would fix it. But to my surprise I found the problem again. That day I decided to through it in the dustbin and bought a new cell phone by a different brand and manufacturer. Though I have not threw it away to the dustbin, I placed it in a box with old and unused materials. I later bought a new cell phone by Sony and found it really cool.

  Tips for talking about this cue card topic:

  For this cue card speaking topic, you should talk about a product that you bought and was very disappointed about. Mention a product that you bought and mention your expectation from this product and the brand. Then show your disappointment about your experience of this product and finally mention why you were disappointed.

  For the final question, state what you later did with this product.

  For the first question “What was the product” you can mention one of the following:

  1. An electronic gadget.

  2. Mobile phone, computer, laptop, tabloid PC, stereo system, internet modem, music player, gaming device etc.

  3. Car, bicycle, motor bike

  4. Refrigerator, TV, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, rice cooker etc.

  5. An expensive toy for your child, an exercise machine, household appliance or gardening tool.

  6. Furniture, dress, food item etc.

  For the question, where you bought it from, mention that you bought it from a good brand shop, with a reasonably high price as you wanted a quality product. The product brand is a renowned one and usually people trust this brand. Later mention that, the seller assured you about the quality of this product and you paid additional amount for the extended warranty period. Apart from the brand name, shop, mention from which city, region you bought this product from.

  The question “What was not satisfying” is an important part of this cue card and asks for your capability of describing the reasons properly. There could be many dissatisfying reason for a product and following are some of the common reasons mentioned to give you some ideas. Keep in mind that the reasons mentioned there are not specific to nay products and depending on your product, these should be fine tuned:

  1. The product worked for couple of weeks just fine and after that it started malfunctioning even though you have used it very carefully.

  2. The manual was not user friendly and you had to struggle to learn all the intricacies of it.

  3. There was a hardware fault/ defect and when you contacted the brand shop, they disagreed to change it.

  4. The product started consuming much more electricity/ fuel/ energy than it ought to have.

  5. The tool/ device/ thing did not work as you expected and that was really frustrating.

  6. You took it to the seller and they disagreed about the promised warranty.

  For the final question, what you did about it, mention that you talked with a relative about the strange behavior of the product and s/he told that his/her one was working just fine for the last couple of years. Then you went to the shop to claim your warranty and they took a very long time to have it repaired. Even after the repair you were not happy about it and later you decided to sell it no matter what was the price and bye a better one.




