

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.08.17 11:37




  I spent my childhood in an urban area that was full of natural graces and wonders. The vast green fields, rivers, hill, the blue sky and the playmates of my childhoods were my best part of my lively and magical childhood. I used to play lots of games in my childhood and among them blind-man's-buff was one of my most favourite.

  This game required minimum 4-5 kids to play. Initially one kid would be selected to be blindfolded and his/her eyes would be tied up so that s/he can't see anything. A big circle would be drawn and no one is allowed to go out of this circle. The blind-folded kid would try to catch someone while others would try to protect themselves but would not be able to go outside the circle. If the blindfolded kid can touch someone and can say his/her name, the blindfolded kid would get free and the other one who was touched would be blindfolded this time. This was the basic rules of the game and we used to play this game according to this rule.

  I mostly played this game with my cousins, neighboring kids and classmates. I was then around 4-5 years old and the other kids whom I used to play with were around the same age.

  As I recall, I played this game when I was a kid if 4-5 years old. Probably I have not played this game after I was promoted to grade three. This was a game played by kids and in our country this is played by the kids only. It is not at all a game for the grown-ups and I have never seen any adult person playing this game. So, I do not play this game anymore. Among the games I play still now includes cricket, football, badminton, table tennis but not the blind-man's-buff at all. This was a game for kid and I enjoyed this game as a kid.

  Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

  Describe an activity from your childhood.

  Describe something you did when you were a kid.

  Describe something you enjoyed in your childhood.

  Le Describe a common game in your country.

  Describe something you used to do but you no longer do it.

  Describe a memorable event from your childhood.




