

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.08.14 15:20




  Radio programs use the presenter more frequently than TV programs in our country and one such radio presenter whom I like very much is (…say a name…). S/he presents the weather updates in every 2 hours in the ABC radio. We, as listener of the radio programs, know very little personal information of the radio presenters and the person I am talking about would be around 25 years old and is a full time radio presenter. S/he is currently presenting the weather updates, which is a program called ‘Weather Today’ and I find his presenting the program very informative and interesting.

  Since s/he presents the weather updates, s/he mostly depends on the weather reports provided to him/her and sometimes s/he makes his/her own thought and some humors in the presentation.

  S/he has an attractive and clear vocal and that’s make the information easily listenable. He has a different style of presenting the weather related data and mainly because of that the ‘Weather today’ program has gained its popularity. S/he describes the overall weather condition based on different location of the country and then gives some tips to the listeners.

  I find his/ her weather report interesting and informative that’s why I like this radio reporter very much. Sometimes I tune in to the ABC Radio channel to learn the updates of the weather and s/he is the one to present that.

  Follow-up Questions:

  - What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a good presenter?

  - What are the necessary qualities of a good presenter?

  Similar Cue Card Topics

  Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

  Describe someone who has an interesting job career.

  Describe a challenging job you know about. .

  Describe a part-time job you know about.

  Describe your favourite TV or Radio presenter.




