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2015.08.13 15:20




  The central Bank building is the one that really impressed me. I was then almost 17 years old when I first this building and I still remember that I became amazed watching and wondering about it.

  10-15 stories building are quite common in our town but the 75 storied central bank building is really different. Not only it is higher than most other buildings but it also possesses a eye-catchy architectural design which is bound to absorb any one's attention. From far it will only give you the impression of a futuristic mega structure but if you observe the building from nearby, you will see the real beauty of it.

  It looks like every inch of it has been drawn before building it. This building is a fine piece of architect that prominently announces its presence. When I looked at the top of this building I got the impression that it is endless and has made its way over the sky. The long round clock in from of this building, ticks twice to let the city dwellers know its presence.

  This central bank building is situated near the national museum of the city. From far away it looks like a pathway to sky and from nearby it seems like a massive yet beautifully designed architectural building.

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  Describe a famous building or architecture in your country.

  Describe a building or hall in your school or college.

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