

资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2015.08.13 14:21




  I like to visit my hometown more than visiting any other place. After I finished my school, I came to the capital of your country and did my graduation here. Later on, I have started my job and since then have been staying here. Whenever I get vacations, I plan to visit my hometown.

  To go there, I need to purchase advance bus ticket 2-3 days prior to the departure. I mostly go there by bus. Alternatively, I can go to my hometown on train. The bus journey takes around 4-5 hours and the train journey takes 1-2 hours more than the bus journey. After reaching at our hometown station, I usually pick a shared taxi that drops me near my home.

  My home town is a small urban area with full of beauty and wonder. Green trees, fresh air and serene environment make it an ideal place to live in. My hometown is just beside a river and has less density of population than the capital city. The houses and shopping Centres are not crammed and have their own urban charms. My hometown is a special place for me as I have spent my childhood there. There are three tourist attractions are there and the place is renowned for traditional foods and customs. Roads are clean and people are educated there. Anyone who would this place would find it attractive.

  Tips for answering this cue card topic:

  This cue card topic gives you a wide range of things that you can talk about. For example you can talk about your hometown, grandparent’s house, a city you like, a movie theatre, a shopping mall, a place near sea, amusement park etc. Since this cue card topic is about a place you like to go, you should first mention the place and the things of attraction there. Then mention how frequently you go there, what you do there, who is there, how this is a special place for you and your reason for liking this place.

  If you pick a town or city where you lived or where your relatives still live, mention the place as well as the people there as you mainly go there too meet them and in this circumstance, the people are more important to you than the place itself.

  If you mention a place like shopping mall, Movie Theater, recreational place, sports zone etc. mention the activity offered there and the kind of things you do there.

  Finally, mention why this place is important to you. Is it because you enjoy staying there or the people who live there are the persons you care about. A good and convincing finishing is required for the final question ‘why you like this place’ and you should add all the convincing reasons you have for liking this particular place.

  Similar Cue card topics:

  1.Describe a place you often go.

  2.Describe your hometown.

  3.Describe a place you would like to live in.

  4.Describe a recreation place you visited.

  5.Describe one of your favourite place

  6.Describe a city you really like to visit.




