包含单词 “hope” 的常见搭配
“Hope” 作名词时的意思是 “希望”。有时我们可能会对一些事充满希望 “be full of hope”,也会在朋友或家人失意时互相鼓励,对他人给予希望 “give someone hope”。在本期节目中,主持人 Neil 就希望能给大家介绍一些包含单词 “hope” 的固定搭配。
1. “Be full of hope” 对某事满怀希望
Zoe didn't know if the interview had gone well or not, but she was full of hope.
I was full of hope that today would be sunny.
2. “Express hope” 表露对某事的希望
Zoe expressed hope to her mum that she would get the job.
You could have expressed your hope more clearly so we could help.
3. “Bring someone hope” 为某人带来希望
The news brought his family much hope that they could finally reunite.
Her last word before she left the room brought Ayush some hope that she would return someday.
4. “Give someone hope” 鼓励某人,给某人希望
Zoe's mum gave her hope.
Stop giving me hope! I know I don't have any advantage against the other applicants.
5. “Live in hope” 对某事抱有希望
Zoe didn't get the job, but she lives in hope.
We all live in hope that a cure for cancer can be found.