各位外国朋友大家好,我是这个景区的管委会主任,在大家进入景区游览之前,有几个注意事项要提醒一下Hello dear friends, I am the Director of the Administrative Committee. Before you visit the scenic area, I would like to give you several tips. 首先,我们景区会给大家配一个英文导游,请听从我们导游的安排,遵守时间,以便顺利完成整个行程。请大家记好导游的电话、旅游车牌,手机随时保持开机状态,因为我们这个景区比较大,当与团队走散时,请不要慌张,我们的导游一定会来找你们。First, we will provide you with an English-speaking guide. Please take his advice during the trip and follow the schedule. Please don’t forget his phone number and your bus’s number. Please don’t turn off your mobile phone so that we can reach you in case you get lost. Should you lose your way, stay calm, our guide will soon find you.
其次,请注意安全。摄影师请不要到有危险的地区拍摄或攀爬,请注意妥善保管个人的贵重物品,照顾好随身物件,遇到紧急情况可以和我们的工作人员联系。Second, safety first. Please don’t venture to climb or have photos taken in dangerous places. Please take good care of your valuables. You can contact our staff in case of emergency.
此外,我们景区内的民族风情表演区在上午10:00和下午3:00各有一场表演,大家如果有兴趣的话可以去观看,费用已经包含在门票里了,所以不用另外付钱。There will also be a performance at 10 am and 3 pm in the Ethnic Performance Section. The cost is included in the entrance fee, so you are welcome to the show.
最后,祝大家在景区玩得愉快。Finally, I wish you a happy tour, thank you.