2024.12.09 10:59




1.D)She is the longest-serving bus driverin Fayetteville.

2.A)The importance of their service to the city.

3.C)Proposed a spending increase by 5.99 percent.

4.B)Reduction in federal and statefunding

5.D)Their loud claps can be confused with explosions

6.A)They sent out a message to calm them down.

7.B)Take caution.

8.B)How the man could possibly afford a new phone

9.A)It is not in fashion any more.

10.D)It allows him to borrow money without paying interest for six months.

11.B)She developed a habit of overspending

12.D)Home ownership and environmental protection.

13.A)Not a realistic size for families.

14.A)It should be changed.

15.C)They are agood choice for many people.

16.B)Beat challenges and take risks.

17.C)Reduce their stress and depression.

18.A)It begins early.

19.C)When companies embrace greater diversity.

20.A)Emails in the normal format.

21.D)Information about diversity.


23.D)Dogs can help kids in many ways.

24.A)Dogs pay much attention to the kids they live with.




When Toni Morrison died in 2019...


26-30 NIFEH 31-35ALKJC












Why it'swrong to look at work-life balance as anachievement


36-40 BJELG 41-45 DKAHC


36.According to a management expert,work-lifebalance is not as simple as giving equal amountsof time to work and personal life.

36.B【定位】Idon't think it's such a simpleformula.

37.Research found that those who are givengreater flexibility at work are less stressed andmore likely to stay in their jobs.

37.J【定位】Kelly and Moen found that employeesin the redesign group reported less stress and lessburnout.They were less likely to quit their jobs:

38.Workers who rejected working long hourstended to make regular adjustments in order toachieve work-life balance.

38.E【定位】 They had a tendency to reflect andquestion assumptions in the name of self-

awareness and regularly took steps to adjust thethings standing in their way to work-life balance.

39.Talking about work-life balance is said to be aprivilege reserved for the better-off,not for thosewho barely make a living.

39.L【定位】Talking about work-life balance"isa very privileged conversation”,says Lechner.

40.Knowing one's emotional state is of utmostimportance in deciding what changes to make fora better work-life balance.

40.G【定位】“Awareness of your emotional stateis essential in order to determine the changes youwant to make in yourwork and in your life”,saysLupu.

41.More female professionals reported beingreluctant to work overtime than their malecounterparts.

【D】【定位】Although it sounds like…about 30%of the men and 50%ofthe women reportedresisting working long hours.

42.Without organisational support,any personat吾effort to maintain work-life balance will beunsuccessful.

【K】【定位】If your workplace isn't an

environment where work-life balance is possible inthe first place,any effort you attempt to maketoward it on a personal level will be in vain.

43.The question of how to achieve work-life balance has long been the main subject of discussion among workers.

【A】【定位】Few topics have been so endlessly analysed as work-life balance.The quest toattain this mysterious state has dominated discussion around careers foryears-especially forworking parents.

44.You may not actually experience emotional wellbeing at home if you remain occupied with what happened at work.

【H】【定位】If the underlying emotional sourcesof stress are still there,then the timeyou actuallyspend at home may not be enjoyable.

45.Some researchers suggest that work-life balance is not a goal to achieve,but a process forlifeto be adjusted promptly.

【C】【定位】Some researchers are now encouraging us to stop thinking about work-lifebalance as an achievement that you either hit ordon't.Instead,they suggest it may be more of alifelong process.….and timely adjustments.

Passage One-文章开头

The weakening of the human connection to naturemight be good for economic growth but is bad forpeople.


46-50 CABCD

46.What does the author want to emphasisein thefirst paragraph?

C)It is unwise to weaken the human connection tonature.

47.What did researchers find about popularculture?

A)It is increasing detached from the natural world.

48.What does the author propose people do?

B)Reconnect with nature through the right togrow.

49.What do we learn from the passage aboutvegetable planting?

C)It has long been used to increase food supplyand improve urban landscape.

50.What can publicly accessible fruit and

vegetable gardens do apart from their practicalfunctions?

D)Enhance people's community spirit.

Passage Two-文章开头

Chocolates save us from many things,especiallyemotional distress.SP



51.What do people believe chocolates can do?

A)Cheer them up instantly.

52.What was scientists'recent assertion aboutchocolates?

D)They could become unavailable in less than 30years.

53.What would happen if the cacao farms wereshifted to cooler mountainous areas?

A)The natural habitat of wildlife there would beruined.

54.What do we learn about the cacao farms in thecrisis of global warming?

C)They have suffered alot due to a decrease inproduce.

55.What are scientists trying to do in theUniversity of California's new bio-sciencesbuilding?

B)Gene-edit cacao seedlings for them towithstand a drier,warmerclimate.



The express delivery industry in China has profoundly in-fluenced our daily lives,altering the way we shop and re-ceive goods.From myperspective,thisinfluence is evidentthrough enhanced convenience,changes in consumer be-havior,and environmental implications.(中国的快递行业深刻地影响了我们的日常生活,改变了我们购物和接收商品的方式。从我的角度来看,这种影响体现在便利性的提升、消费者行为的变化以及环境影响等方面。)

Firstly,express delivery services have greatly increasedFconvenience,allowing consumers to shop online and re-ceive packages promptly.Secondly,the industry has shift-ed consumer behavior,encouraging more impulsivebuying due to the ease of delivery.Thirdly,while conve-nient,the express delivery sector has raised environmen-tal concerns due to the increased use of packaging materi-als.(首先,快递服务极大地提高了便利性,使消费者能够在线购物并迅速收到包裹。其次,这个行业改变了消费者行为,由于配送的便捷性,鼓励了更多的冲动购物。第三,尽管方便,快递行业也引发了环境问题,因为包装材料的使用量增加了。)

In conclusion,the express delivery industry has signifi-cantly impacted our lives,offering convenience but also

posing environmental challenges.To address these issues,it is crucial to promote sustainable packaging and greendelivery options.(总之,快递行业显著地影响了我们的生活,提供了便利但也带来了环境挑战。为了解决这些问题,推广可持续包装和绿色配送选项是至关重要的。)



In recent years,China's new energy vehicle(NEV)industryhas developed rapidly.Currently,China's annual produc-tion of NEVs has reached nearly ten million units,account-ing for over 60%of the global market share,with exportscontinuously setting new highs.The Chinese governmenthas encouraged NEV enterprises to engage in technologi-cal innovation by increasing capital investment and pro-viding policy guidance,continuously enhancing theirproducts'competitiveness in the market.The develop-ment of China's NEV industry has not only vigorously pro-moted domestic economic growth but also made positivecontributions to global new energy utilization and envi-ronmental protection.



1.C)They will have a costly bill to pay to heat theirhomes.

2.A)Provided additional funding to Low Income HomeEnergy Assistance Program.

3.C)They may hold too optimistic a view about theirdiet.

4.D)Those who rated their diet as poor.5.A)It hasdone better than naturally born dogs.

5.B)They gathered together to rescuean elephant.

6.B)To ask them for help.

7.A)The elephant was able to return to the jungle.

8.B)It led him to spend more money than necessary.

9.D)Impulse purchasing.

10.A)Eat healthier food with less money.

11.B)Sticking to his budget.

12.C)He has breathing problems.


14.C)The chances of getting an athletic scholarshiplater on.

15.A)It differs entirely from indoor volleyball

16.B)It does a lot of harm to the environment.

17.D)They are treated as expendable.

18.C)Many of the technologies to limit the impact ofspace travel on Earth.

19.B)It can encourage reluctant readers to readaloud.

20.A)By motivating children to find out about theirfavorite pets.

21.D)By visiting friends who have household pets.

22.A)Send should-be students a packet ofinformation.

23.D)Regulate publid institutions by law.

24.B)They are competitive.

25.C)Students have to search for the information.



Scientists have known that...


26-30 LDKMB 31-35AINCO












If we care about plastic waste,why won't we stopdrinking bottled water?

答案速查36-40 EHBLG 41-45 CKAIF


36.Judging from the slowing rate of sales growth,there is still hope to combat bottled water.


【定位】第1句:Hope is not entirely out of reach,The rate of growth has begun to ease (sales wereup 7%in the year,compared with 8%theprevious year).

37.Bottled water manufacturers base theirarguments against bans of plastic bottles onhealth concerns rather than on profits.


【定位】第1-2句:Water bottlers,unsurprisingly,don't support bans.But they raise concerns abouthealth rather than profit margins.

38.Sales of bottled water in Britain hit a recordhigh last year even though people areincreasingly aware that plastics areenvironmentally unfriendly.

【答案】 B

【定位】第1-3句:Yet the bottled water marketislivelier than ever,It defies our increasingawareness of the harm plastics do to the environment and a broader,growing sense thatsomething has to change.Sales in the UK wereworth a record f558.4 million this pastyear,anincrease of 7%according to the latest figures fromthe market analyst Kantar.

39.It often happens that people can lack reasonwhen faced with skillful marketing


【定位】第1句:Asis so often the case,clever marketing can beat reason,awareness is rarelyenough.

40.One city on the west coast of America hasbanned single-use bottles from its property andevents.


【定位】倒数第2句:San Francisco has bannedthem from city property and events.

41.Manufacturing and shipping of plastic waterbottles consume a tremendous amount of fossilfuels.


【定位】倒数第3句:Plastic water bottles requireoceans of fossil fuels to make and ship.

42.One large beverage company has adapted itsoperations when confronted with challengesfrom health and environmental advocates.


【定位】第1-3句:As the owner of multiple sugarydrink brands and bottled water,PepsiCo is facingchallenges on health and environmental fronts,Last year,the company bought SodaStrcam(adrinks company that sells machines for makingtap water bubbly and then consumers add flavours)for $3.2 billion.It also launched a rangeof fancy bottles that work with tap water andflavour packets.

43.Bottled water isconsiderably more expensivethan tap water.


【定位】第2-3句:A litre of tap water,the stuffwe have cleverly piped into our homes,costs lessthan half a penny.A litre of bottled water cancost well over a pound,especially for somethingfancy that has been sucked through a mountain.

44.Fountains could be seen in cities before bottledwater became-popular.


【定位】第3句:Before plastic and the marketingthat made people think they needed bottledwater in the first place,fountains were an urbanfixture.

45.More people have taken to bottled waterbecause of their health awareness.


【定位】第2句:The introduction of the“sugartax"on juices and soda drinks haspushed morepeople to bottled water,while health awarenesshas boosted its desirability.

Passage One-文章开头

As a university student,I've cometo realise justhow little I know about money.


46-50 BABDC

46.What has the author come to realise sinceentering university?

B)He is very much lacking in financial literacy

47.How did the author feel in today's moneyworld?

A)Badly equipped to survive.

48.What did the author realise after talking to hisfriends?

B)The schooling system was to blame for his!trouble.

49.What is the author's idea of a financialeducation course?

D)It should be integrated into high schooleducation.

50.What would financial literacy do to youngpeople?

C)Render them confident and secure in terms ofmoney management.

Passage Two-文章开头

Engineering inthe U.S.has long been a male-dominated profession.Fifty years...


51-55 BDBDB

51.B)It witnessed a significant increase in womenengineers in the 1970s.

52.D)Not to lose self-confidence thoughconstantly discouraged or unfairly treated.

53.B)Excluded from the group.

54.D)The increase in their number.

55.B)They have reaped the benefits ofbeingflexible.


The university's commitment to a green campus is an op-portunity for students to actively participate in environ-mental conservation.Students can contributeby reducingwaste,conserving energy,and promoting environmental awareness.(大学对绿色校园的承诺为学生积极参与环境保护提供了机会。学生可以通过减少浪费、节约能源和推广环保意识来做出贡献。)

Firstly,reducing waste involves using reusable items and participating in recycling programs.Secondly,conservingenergy can be achieved by turning off lights and unplug-ging devices when not in use.Lastly,promoting environ-mental awareness throughevents and campaigns encour-ages a culture of sustainability on campus.(首先,减少浪费包括使用可重复使用的物品和参与回收计划。其次,节约能源可以通过在不使用时关闭灯光和拔掉设备插头来实现。最后,通过活动和宣传推广环保意识,鼓励校园内的可持续发展文化。)

In summary,by adopting eco-friendly habits,students canmake a significant impact on the university's green initia-tive.It is essential to take these steps to create a more sus-tainable campus environment for future generations.(总之,通过采用环保习惯,学生可以对大学的绿色倡议产生重大影响。采取这些措施对于为未来世代创造一个更可持续的校园环境至关重要。)



The Digital Exhibition Center of Dunhuang Mogao Grottos,which opened in 2014,plays a vitat rolein the conservationand utilization project of the Mogao Grottos.Utilizing digi-tal technology and multimedia exhibition methods,thecenter enables visitorsto gain an understanding of the cul-tural significance of the Mogao Grottos and appreciate itsclassic arts before they enter the actual caves.This ap-proach not only limits the number of caves open to thepublic but also reduces the duration of visitors'stay inside,thereby minimizing the impact on the Mogao Grottos.This

ensures the proper preservation and long-term utilizationof this world cultural heritagesite.




Super realistic masks are made from flexiblematerials..


26-30JKCFA 31-35 LGDBI

26.J normal

27.K observed

28.C artificial

29.F establish

30.A accurate

31.L passed

32.G extremely

33.D cheating

34.B allow

35.I incorrectly


Stop thinking and start doing

答案速查36-40 CJFAE 41-45 KGBID


36.Acquisition of new knowledge may notguarantee the progress that you aim to make.

36.C【定位】What I'm starting to realize,however,is that new knowledge does not necessarily drivenew results.

37.Your current situation in life is built on thebeliefs and habits you have been practicingdaily.

37.J【定位】The state of your life right now is aresult of the habits and beliefs that you have beenpracticing each day.

38.Knowing the best way to learn a foreignlanguage will not enable you to speak it withoutactual practice.

38.F【定位】Reading a book on how to learn aforeign language quickly allows you to feel like youare making progress("Hey,I'm figuring out thebest way to do this!”).Of course,you're notactually practicing the action that would deliveryour desired outcome (speaking the foreignlanguage).

39.People may find it demanding to create a goalwhich will take a long time to achieve.

39.A【定位】Even so,trying to set achievablegoals that you'll work for over the course of manyyears can be extremely challenging.

40.Learning and practicing seem to be very muchalike,but the two processes can lead to quitedifferent outcomes.

40.E【定位】Learning something new and

practicing something new may seem very similar,but these two methods can have profoundlydifferent results.

41.Absorbing new information is helpful in makingbetter decisions prior to action.

41.K【定位】Not to mention that soaking up newinformation can help you make more informeddecisions when you do decide to take action.

42.Sometimes we may feel like we are makingprogress by doing some research or makingpreparations,but actually we are staying at thestarting point.

42.G【定位】In situations like this one,we oftenclaim that we are preparing or researching thebest method,but these rationalizations allow us tofeel like we are moving forward when we aremerely spinning our wheels.

43.We are inclined to think that a lack of knowledge prevents us from advancing to a betterfuture.

43.B【定位】It can be easy to assume that the gapbetween where you are now and where you wantto be in the future is caused bya lack ofknowledge.

44.Learning can benefit you by itself,but onlypractice can turn what you learn into meaningfulcontributions.

44.1【定位】Learning by itself can be valuable for you,but if you want to be valuable to others,then you have to express your knowledge in some way.

45.Practice involves repeating a processintentionally to attain a particular objective.

45.D【定位】He says:“When we practicesomething,we are involved in the deliberaterepetition of a process with the intention ofreaching a specific goal."

Passage One-文章开头

Research in human-vehicle interaction has shown...

答案 46-50 BBCDB

46.What do we learn from research in human-vehicle interaction?

B)Driverless vehicles are likely to be misused bysome people.

47.What is the problem with requiring buyers tosign end-user license agreements?

B)Most end users sign them without bothering toread the terms.

48.What would drivers do when they suffer from"warning fatigue"?

C)Take no action despite repeated warnings.

49.What does the author think of continuing toask buyers to sign end-userlicense agreements?

D)It will probably not provide manufacturersadequate protection from legal responsibilities.

50.What should be doneto help drivers fullyunderstand system capabilities and limitations?

B)Familiarizing them with the systems throughtraining.

Passage Two-文章开头

Do you ever blend up a protein drink for breakfast,or grab a protein bar following an afternoonworkout?



51.What do we learn about publicity over proteinin America?

A)It has helped to create the myth of proteindeficiency.

52.Why have physicians in the U.S.never actuallyexamined a patient with protein deficiency?

C)Americans can get sufficient protein just byeating adequate foods daily.

53.What should people take into consideration indeciding on the most preferable protein intake?

B)How old they are and what activities they do.

54.What foods have been largely out of favor formore than a century?

D)Sugary and fatty foods.

55.What does the authorimply people indeveloped countrieshould do to keep healthy?

A)Enjoy naturalfood.





In today's globalized world,it is crucial for universitystudents to deepen their understanding of traditionalChinese culture.This rich heritage not only shapesour identity but also fosters a sense of belonging andpride.(在当今全球化的世界中,大学生加深对中国传统文化的理解至关重要。这一丰富的遗产不仅塑造了我们的身份认同,还培养了归属感和自豪感。)

To enrich our knowledge,universities shouldincorporate more Chinese history and literaturecourses into the curriculum.These subjects provideinsights into the nation's past,its heroes,and itsphilosophical thought.Additionally,organizing cultural festivals,workshops,and seminars can bringtraditional arts such as calligraphy,painting,andmartial arts to life.Students should also take theinitiative to explore beyond the classroom.Visitingmuseums,ancient temples,and historical sites canoffer a tangible connection to the past.Engaging intraditional crafts or learning to speak dialects canfurther deepen our appreciation of Chinese culture.(为了丰富我们的知识,大学应在课程中加入更多的中国历史和文学课程。这些学科提供了对国家过去、英雄人物和哲学思想的深入了解。此外,组织文化节、工作坊和研讨会可以让书法、绘画和武术等传统艺术焕发生机。学生们也应主动在课堂之外进行探索。参观博物馆、古庙和历史遗址可以提供与过去的实际联系。参与传统手工艺或学习方言可以进一步加深我们对中国文化的欣赏。)

By embracing and preserving our cultural roots,wenot only honor our ancestors but also pave the wayfor a brighter future where traditional values coexistharmoniously with modernity.Let us strive to beambassadors ofChinese culture,sharing its wisdomand beauty with the world.(通过拥抱和保护我们的文化根基,我们不仅是在尊敬祖先,还为一个传统价值与现代性和谐共存的光明未来铺平了道路。让我们努力成为中国文化的使者,将其智慧和美丽分享给全世界。)



The Chinese government places great importance on ecological and environmental protection. In recent years, China has made significant progress in reducing air, water, and soil pollution. To continuously improve people's living environment, China has adopted a series of effective measures, including vigorously developing clean energy, improving public transportation, promoting bike-sharing, and implementing waste sorting. Through these measures, China's cities and rural areas are becoming greener and more beautiful. China is also actively participating in international cooperation, making important contributions to global ecological and environmental protection.



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