2020.09.01 10:43
自然拼读教学,提倡让小孩子通过多唱,多练,多用,逐渐掌握英语的读音规则。以轻松与简易的方法,让孩子在歌唱中,循序渐进的认识基础发音。这也是一种帮助小孩记单词的方法,避免刚刚接触英语的孩子只能靠死记硬背来记单词,提高孩子学习英语的热情。新东方在线小学频道整理了《小学英语自然拼读详解:Letter D》,供家长们参考。
字母是有分读音和发音的,LetterD 的读音是/di:/.
Animal kingdom will be held a party next weekend.
The party will be hosted by the dinosaurs. Many animals will attend. They have prepared wonderful shows for the party.
Dogs are going to beat a drum. Deers are going to draw pictures. Dolphins are going to sing songs.And doves are going to dance. And a lot of food will be ready by ducks at the party. For example, bread、dumpling、dessert and so on.
That will be fantastic party!
Letter D的发音就是/d/,轻轻地/d/。
Let‘s chant:
D D D d d d D D D d d d
恐龙 恐龙 dinosaur dinosaur、dinosaur、 dinosaur
小狗 小狗 dog dog、dog、dog
小鹿 小鹿 deer deer、deer、deer
海豚 海豚 dolphin dolphin、 dolphin、dolphin
鸽子 鸽子 dove dove、dove、dove
Let’s sing:
If you know the sound of letter D d d
dinosaur、dinosaur、 dinosaur
If you know the sound of letter D d d
If you know the sound of letter D d d
deer 、deer、deer
If you know the sound of letter D d d
dolphin、 dolphin、 dolphin
If you know the sound of letter D d d
dove、dove、 dove
If you know the sound of letter D d d
If you know the sound of letter D d d
If you know the sound of letter D d d
bread、bread 、bread
If you know the sound of letter D d d
If you know the sound of letter D d d
Letter D 的读音是/di:/,发音是/d/,同学们,记住了吗?