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《You can play basketball well》说课稿范文

2016.06.11 17:15

  《You can play basketball well》说课稿



  说目标:1、单词教学:true well

  语句教学:Can you run fast? Can you jump high?

  Can you catch the ball?

  You can play basketball well.





  说重点:掌握与打篮球有关的一些问句及回答。能用句型:Can you …?




  Step 1:热身活动

   1.Greeting:Good morning, boys and girls.

  2. T:Let’s sing an English song.(课件出示一首英文歌:Can you throw high in the sky? 学生边唱边跳)

  1. 做游戏:

  T:Would you like to play a game? Miss Wang say: swim, you say : I can swim. Miss Wang say: Run. You say : I can run. OK?(老师一边说一边做动作,板书:I can…)now, stand up.

  T: Run. Swim. Jump. Play basketball. Play football. Play pingpong. Read a book.


  T: Good job. Boys and girls. Look at the pictures on the screen. Say: I can…(老师出示课件。)

  I can swim.

  I can play pingpong.

  I can run.

  I can sing.

  I can dance.

  I can play basketball.

  I can play football.

  I can ride.

  I can jump.

  Step 2 任务导入

   T: Great. (老师做跑的动作边说)I can run. But I can’t run fast.

  T: Can you run fast? (边说学生边在黑板上板书)

  T: (师问多个学生)Can you run fast?

  Ss: Yes, I can. (No, I can’t.)

  T: Yes, you can run fast. Please come here.

  (叫两个学生回答yes的学生上台比赛,看谁跑得快。Who is the winner?)


  S:Can you jump?

  T: I can jump. But I can’t jump high.

  T: (师问多个学生)Can you jump high?

  Ss: Yes, I can.(No, I can’t.)


  T: Now look at me and ask.


  S: I can play basketball. Guess.Can Miss Wang play basketball well?


  T:Yes, you can./No, you can’t.

  T: (师问学生)Can you play basketball well?

  Ss: Yes, I can. (No, I can’t.)


  老师问:Can you catch the ball?

  (老师用实物和动作表示并出示catch the ball卡片,教授词组:catch , catch , catch the ball,学生边传球边操练词组catch the ball)

  (老师手拿篮球边问学生):Can you catch the ball?

  S: Yes , I can. (学生边接住球边答)

  Step 3: 任务操练

  T: Boys and girls. Look at the screen. Work in pairs. One ask: Can you…? The other answer: Yes, I can. Or No, I can’t.

  (老师请学生两人一组根据课件上的图片一问一答练习:Can you…? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.)

  S1: Can you walk?

  S2: Yes , I can.

  S3:Can you sing?

  S4: Yes, I can.

  S5: Can you run fast?

  S6: No, I can’t.

  S7: Can you swim?

  S8: No, I can’t.

  S9:Can you fly?

  S10: No, I can’t.

  S11: Can you play basketball?

  S12: Yes, I can.

  S13: Can you play football?

  S14: No, I can’t.

  S15: Can you jump high?

  S16: Yes, I can.

  Step 4 呈现对话

  T: You did a good job. Now look at the four pictures. Who are they?

  Ss: They are Amy, Sam and Lingling.

  T: Yes. What are they talking about? Listen carefully first.


  T: What are they talking about?

  (引导学生说)T and S:They are talking about playing basketball.

  T: listen again and answer my questions.

  T: Well done. Listen to the tape and repeat.

  T: Read the dialogue in groups.

  Step 5 任务拓展

  让小组长问他们的组员:学校要开秋季运动会,同学们会什么项目度展开讨论。使用句型:Can you …? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

  Step 6 作业

  1.listen and act the dialogue.

  2.Ask your friend’s abilities with the sentence “Can you…?”


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