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小学英语六年级上册Unit6 Lesson 33教学设计模板

2016.06.04 15:32

  小学英语六年级上册Unit6 Lesson 33教学设计


  1. 认知目标:理解并掌握有关夏天的词汇与句型。

  2. 能力目标:能够简单描绘夏天的特点和夏天的活动。

  3. 情感态度目标:培养学生热爱大自然的良好品质;培养学生的劳逸结合及对学生进行合理用脑的渗透。


  掌握单词summer, hot, rain, heavy, summer holiday及有关夏季活动的问答为本课重点。



  1. Sing a song: Two Little Spring Birds


  2. Play the video about “spring”

  T: OK, you sing very well. What a nice song! What lovely birds! Now I’ll show you something more beautiful.


  T: Wow! What beautiful spring! I like spring very much. How about you? Do you like spring? And why?


  Ss 自由发言,e.g. My birthday is in spring.

   Spring is very beautiful. Trees have new green leaves.

   Spring Festival is in spring. I can ...


  1. T: What clothes can we wear in spring?

  教师提问春天适合穿的衣服,学生会回答: I can wear a shirt. I can wear a cap/hat.

  T: But can we wear shorts in spring?教师拿实物“短裤”询问学生。

  Ss: No!

  T: In which season can we wear them?

  Ss: Summer.

  T: 板书 summer :按音标音节规律书写su, mmer,之后教师领读:全班→男女生→小组one by one.

  T: OK. Now let’s welcome Miss Summer. She will go on with our class. Please.

  T: Hello, boys and girls! We all know summer is a hot season, and it’s also a such beautiful season, right?

  Ss: Yes!

  T: You know in spring all the flowers begin to grow, and they are the most beautiful in summer. Rose is one of them.教师在这个时候拿起一只玫瑰花,向学生展示本节课的奖励方式:Rose can show my love to you. On the rose there is a card. It can help you after a while. So please try your best to get more roses from me, OK?

  Ss: OK!

  2. T: We know spring is the first season of the year. So...教师播放PPT,让学生补全后面的部分。

  S: Summer is the second season of the year.

  T: Pay attention to the big “S” and the small “s”.

  教学设计---人教精通版小学英语六年级上册Unit6 <wbr>Lesson <wbr>33教学设计---人教精通版小学英语六年级上册Unit6 <wbr>Lesson <wbr>333. About summer, I want to ask 2 questions:

  教师拿起卡片,让学生问出两个问题:When does summer begin? How’s the weather in summer?


  4. Ss回答问题:1)Summer begins around June. T板书June,领读句子,Ss跟读,one by one之后教师总结Summer lasts three months. It’s from June to August.

  2) The weather is hot. It’s the hottest season.

  T播放PPT, hot, hotter, hottest

  T: Any others? About the weather?

  S: There’s often a lot of rain. Sometimes there’s heavy rain.


  5. 复述第一段:T: There is a newspaper “Student English”. It wants “little reporters”from you. Please try your best. First, I’ll show you an example. 教师指向板书:Good morning, boys and girls. Let me tell you something about summer. ...Goodbye!/See you tomorrow.


  6. T: Look at your paper. Please finish the first paragraph.→check

  7. T: You did a very great job! By the way, summer is a season full of joy. Are you happy in summer?

  Ss: Yes, we do.

  T: Why?

  教师学生自由交流,引出summer holiday. Schools close.PPT播出图片,学生跟读。教师提出问题:What do students do on summer holidays?教师播放录音,让学生听过之后再在组内自由朗读,找出问题的答案。

  1) Some of them go on a trip with their parents.(Where do you usually go for the trip?)

  2) Some go camping with their teachers.

  3) Some have summer classes.(What do you learn in summer classes?)


  8. 教师总结:Do they enjoy summer? Ss: Yes!

  9. OK. Now let’s read after the video.

  10. Read in groups and show.

  11. T: Now I want to know about your summer holidays? What do you do on summer holidays?学生说自己的暑假活动,教师适时地播放PPT,扩充夏季的其他活动。

  (三)Practice and production

  T: Wow, such colourful summer holidays! Now I’ll tell you a piece of good news. I have a good friend. She’s a “famous reporter”from CCTV. Today she brings something interesting to you. Now let’s warmly welcome her!

  T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you here. I’m very happy to tell you that if you can write “My Summer Holiday” well, I’ll collect your paper and publish it! OK?

  Ss: OK.



  三、 Homework

  T: You are very good at writing. But I hope you can do better in the homework, OK?


  1. Read the passage to us the next class.

  2.Design a poster about “summer”, like this...

  3.英美国家有一句谚语:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(光学习,不玩耍,聪明的孩子也会变傻。)学习+玩耍=劳逸结合。


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